One of the members of the first Dive Group Neal
traveled with now has a daughter in Grenada,
studying to be a veterinarian.
When Barb suggested the group all go to Grenada to dive,
Neal jumped right in. Literally.
Since his flooded camera [see his trip to Curaçao HERE] was irreparable,
he quickly purchased a new one,
so there should be more pictures than last month's trip.
As the others live in Illlinois & Indiana,
they all plan to meet at O'Hare Airport;
Neal leaves the day before to stay at the hotel.
Bradley Limousine picks him up . . .
. . . and wouldn't you just love to know
what is going through Tony's mind,
seeing Neal in his Lucky Parrot Hat . . .
Our snow-cleaning crew drove up just as Neal was leaving . . .
. . . so Neal had a larger group waving goodbye than usual!
Meanwhile, in the house Rosie says . . .
. . . I'm staying here in front of this door 'til he comes home!
Or until I have to go outside, or eat something, or go to bed . . . .