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Lesley continues that evening:
I received this from Beau's new Mom, SandE, this evening and thought it would be a nice ending to the .Beau Brummel Rides the Rails. saga. Here is what she has to say:
Hello Everyone,
I'VE GOT HIM!!! I'm so happy to have my darling Beau. He's sound asleep on my couch. He's not too sure about the kitties right now so we will be a bit cautious for awhile. He growled and lunged at one of the cats. Kitty wasn't too put off by it because she thinks she is the head honcho around here.
Just as you all said, he is the sweetest dog. He is so very thin. I can't imagine he would have survived for much longer on his own. You can feel every bone in his body. As long as he is doing OK, I will wait for a week to take him to my vet. I want him to settle in and know that this is his home and feel secure. He really doesn't seem to have much trouble himself at home. He's eaten a little bit and had a drink and is now back up on the couch. He's not paying too much attention to the kitties. They are very curious about him and are not afraid at all.
Beau came with a bag of goodies. Thank you all for being so kind and generous. I like his toys too. They all seem to make noise except for the ball and booda bone, of course. He is a lucky dog to have such wonderful people taking care of him all the way to Glens Falls, New York. Good job everybody. I wish I could meet each and every one of you to say a personal thank you. I promise to cherish and love Beau for all his days. My friends who drove me to pick up Beau, said, "He doesn't know it yet, but he just won the Doggie Lottery." I am so very fortunate. Thank you.
I'm getting a Doggie Book tomorrow to chart Beau's weight, height, progress, pictures, etc. All the usual things one would put in a Doggie Book. Beau-Dudley is a very special dog, indeed.
I feel that nap coming on, (yawn). Move over, Beau.
I know this makes it all worth it as far as I am concerned! Another happy ending . . .
Beau makes himself at home
On 11 February, Lesley writes:
Beau is Home in the Heart
Beau's new Mom, SandE, sent this to the volunteers who took part in transporting Beau home. I wanted everyone to see what she says as it really warms this old heart on a damp dark day in February. And I would like to mention
that it seems June Dudley and whoever helped her to decide that SandE would be a good Mom, made a GREAT CHOICE . . . super job, as it seems SandE & Beau were meant to be together.
We are nearing the end of a week since my Beau-Dudley arrived. I hate to tell all of you, but I've got the brightest, most handsome, awesome dog in all the land! Every day he makes progress. He now prances when he walks and his tail is proudly held high. He has done absolutely nothing wrong (yes, I would tell you). Beau did wake me up last night about 2:00 a.m. I thought perhaps he need to relieve himself; however, he proudly buried something in the snow. I haven't a clue what it was. None of his toys is missing; perhaps I should check mine. Nonetheless, he is a perfect dog.
Last night, I worked with him on SIT. Today after work, I worked him again and on the second try, he could sit on command. Beau-Dudley seems to enjoy going for rides in the Blazer now. He just is a magnificent dog, what more can I say. He is progressing very nicely.
Channel 6 TV called me today and I agreed to do the story on Beau-Dudley, ATRA and ATUR. I will definitely tape it. They will call me on Monday (2/14) to set a time and date for a morning that week to do the tape. In speaking with Mr. Tom Mailey (Channel 6onPets newscaster), I mentioned Lynn O'Shaughnessy, the Aire-Angel with a Golden Heart. Mr. Mailey knew about her. How nice.
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Beau was alone today while I worked. He was so good.
He really doesn't want to go into the crate, so I dog-proofed my bedroom as much as possible and shut him in there for the six and half hours (with his food and
water of course). He was so good. Didn't get into a thing. That doesn't mean that he won't tomorrow, but hey, I will take one day at a time.
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His personality is really starting to show. He has been jumping around and starting to play. He really can be quite goofy. I love my Beau-Dudley!