My Dearest Bob,
I can't believe what a wonderful surprise it was to get an invitation to your retirement party. I wish I was able to attend, but my heart and thoughts will be with you.
You have no idea how much you & Andréa have impacted my life. Every thought of you both is filled with joy and lots of smiles. I think my happiest memories of school were the times I spent with you two. I was sad that I graduated in some way. You made learning interesting and fun. Coming to school was always a pleasure. I pray you know what a wonderful person you are and just how much you are loved. It bringS a tear to my eyes to know that future school kids won't get to know you.
But I know you've worked hard; now I hope that you have a blast in your retirement. I look forward to meeting up with you soon.
Lots of love and kisses from a grateful student and hopefully a life-long friend.
Love ya,
In 1990, Nada Stefanovich-Krause brought her two daughters, Hillary & Heather, to the Reuther Library/IMC for a visit. |
Nada with some famous guy . . . I forget his name . . .
. . . Nada & Kirsten Dunst . . .
. . . Nada & Ashley Judd . . .
. . . Senator John Edwards & Nada