Kay & Larry Steiner from Grand Rapids, Michigan
arrived to pick up Tulip (who is now Gadget);
she will soon join big Cairn brother, Sprocket.



Jim & Pat Smith from Dawsonville, Georgia (along with Pat's sister, Cindy, who lives in nearby Dyer, Indiana) came to get Chelsea & Charlie. The family lost its 17-year-old Cairn, Sarah, last year and looks forward to bringing these two new additions into their lives.


The other half of the photo above . . .


Lisa Crabtree came to pick up Daffodil,
who will be a playmate to basset hound Maggie.
Lisa & her family recently lost their Westie;
Maggie can't wait to have a new playmate.



A very special "thanks" to all three families -
the Smiths . . . the Steiners . . . the Crabtrees -
for the special donations & generous gifts you made to CRUSA!

FOUR Happy Endings, Thanks to CRUSA

Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,
All nicely tucked in my warm new bed.
I'd like to open my baggage
Lest I forget,
There is so much to carry -
So much to regret.

Hmm . . . Yes there it is, right on the top -
Let's unpack Loneliness, Heartache and Loss,
And there by my leash hides Fear and Shame.
As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave -
I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain.

I loved them, the others, the ones who left me,
But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me.
Will you add to my baggage?
Will you help me unpack?
Or will you just look at my things
And take me right back?

Do you have the time to help me unpack?
To put away my baggage,
To never re-pack?
I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see,
But I do come with baggage -
Will you still want me?

-- Evelyn Colbath

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