Anim Anim


14 JULY 2021


On 12 July, Shell Lewis writes:

"Captain" Rex may be
one of the needier little dogs
we'll ever welcome
into our program.
The Captain is 16 years old and
has a host of medical issues,
including heartworm disease . . .
an enlarged heart
(likely due to his heartworm
status) . . . tumors . . . dental
disease and (as you can see
in the pics) skin issues.

We don't know know how much time Captain Rex
may have on this side of the Rainbow Bridge . . .
but for whatever time he does have,
he'll know love and comfort and companionship,
thanks to foster mom, Sue A.

(Special thanks to Kim W for bringing The Captain to CRUSA's attention;
he is a stray from Kansas City, Missouri.)


We had hoped to fly The Captain out to his foster mom tomorrow,
but the pilot is grounded at least until Wednesday.
So, we hope, later this week.


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