Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they each miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he breaks from the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together . . .
Author Unknown
I'm so very saddened by this. Poor Ceelee gave it everything she had. She really was a fighter. I so wish she could have lived longer, but it is good to know she is no longer in any pain, too. And now her puppies have their mommy in heaven. Poor Ceelee. Hugs, and slobbery dog kisses to Peggy & BJ. God Bless you both for helping Ceelee and being there for her.
So sorry for your loss, Peggy & BJ.
Oh my God! I prayed for her to get better . . . at least she's at peace and not in pain. You ladies gave it your all and I'm sure Ceelee knows she was loved, not just by you, but all of us who followed her story.
BJ, I am sure Ceelee knew in her heart how much you cared and loved her; she was fighting for you, but lost all strength. May she finally enjoy eternal peace.
Awww, so sorry to hear this news, but she is now with her puppies and no longer suffering. Thank you for all of the updates.
OMG, so very sad.
Did not want to hear this. Our candle is lit here for Ceelee - run happy, healthy & free, little girl. BJ, know that this little one left us knowing & feeling your love & caring. Warm hugs to you.
So saddened to hear the news, but at the same time, relieved her suffering has ended and she will be reunited with her puppies.
So very sorry for your loss, Peggy & BJ. She was a fighter, but now she is at peace and with her puppies. Thank you for all the love you gave her. I know you will always remember the love she gave you back.
Such a tragic end for a little girl who tried so hard. Sorry for your loss, Peggy & BJ.
I'm so very sorry for you guys! You did all you could . . . what a little fighter Ceelee was. Now she's with her pups and free from all pain; she's healthy & whole. Never doubt for a minute you two wonderful ladies Brenda & Peggy, are wonderful and Ceelee knew you loved her! God bless you both. I'm so sorry.
So sad. My heart breaks for you all.
BJ & Peggy, folks don't come any better than you, and I'm sure Ceelee knew that.
I just read that little Ceelee has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I am sorry for Brenda's loss. She is a special lady and pray our Lord gives her heart some peace.
Oh no. I am so sorry to hear this. I was hoping that after the last event - where she got rid of that belt she had ingested - she would have a fighting chance. This is heartbreaking to me and I never even held her. My sympathies to BJ & Peggy.
I hope & pray that the Bridge brings this little one the joy & happiness she only got to know the last few weeks of her life.
This is what I hate MOST for these poor babies -when they get so close to having a wonderful life, but never really get there. I hope that our furkids who have gone before met her, and welcomed her to a place where she will feel good and be able to run free & happy. I hope she also got to meet her babies there!
I know it is difficult for you guys - but please never give up on these babies. I know you won't.
I am just so devastated & sorry for BJ, Peggy & everyone whose life this little one touched. I never knew her, but I loved her just the same. Now she won't be in pain any more.
This little girl knew she was loved. Love is all that matters. To be really loved, with whole hearts, even for a little while, is so much better than to never be loved, or to be loved conditionally. Ceelee knew she was really, totally and without reservation . . . LOVED!! You both did GOOD . . . .
Get some rest . . . you earned it.
My deepest condolences. But it is good to know she is somewhere she is whole and well again and with her puppies.
I'm so sorry, BJ & Peggy! You did the best you could . . .she's in a better place and free of pain & suffering. Take care of yourselves!
At last, Ceelee is truly free . . . . What a brave little girl!
I am so sorry about Ceelee, so sad. I've been following her story every day and I just started crying for that little angel & her babies. It's so unfair that animals have to die, and suffer so before they go. Ceelee tried so hard that. little angel. She sure gave it her best fight, didn't she.
I'm so sorry . . . Ceelee gave it all she had and so did the people who cared for her.
So sorry to hear about Ceelee . . . she was loved a lot for the short time you had her and she went to the Bridge after experiencing great love, kindness & snuggles. No more pain; she can reunite with her puppies and be the mama she was meant to be. Saying a prayer. You took very good care of her and did all you could.
I am so sorry.
So sorry to hear about Ceelee's passing. Keeping you both and all the pups in our thoughts & prayers