Anim Ph


7 JULY 2009

Peggy Nalley writes:

Charlie is here!
He was as good as gold on the way home.
Stopped at my cousin's house in Indy
and he played with their yellow lab pup
who is about five months old.
After a few little scrimmages & corrections,
they played fine.


When we got home, I made him sit & stay in the crate until I let him come out, put him in the yard, then let Aidan & Cody out to meet him. After a few little growls from Charlie, he peed on everything he could, found a ball, and that was all she wrote: He wanted to play ball. I played with him for a while, he got into the pool to cool off, then wanted to play some more. We just came inside because I had to potty after the road trip.


He knows sit, come, leave it, put it down. Has a little problem about grabbing the ball too quickly from my hand, but that will cease in a couple of days with correction & training. He just met Gypsy and all is well. He has a little separation anxiety, but that is to be expected. All in all, he is just hyper, adorable & sharp as a tack. With a little more training and positive correction, he is going to be just fine. Of course, I have only had him a couple of hours, but I think a lot of his aggression came from the house he was in. I fed him - no food aggression at all. I even put my hand in his bowl - nothing. Not even a twitch.


Onward & forward with this little guy; he his going to be fine. Met the cats; all he did was sniff them. Of course Shadow hissed & ran, but Oreo just sat in his chair and looked at him. He took it all in stride. Tomorrow is a new day and all will go well. Positive thinking is always best. They can sense it.

I don't know about the name just yet. Telling Charlie to sit & stay sounds a little funny around here since my husband's name is Charlie.

On 9 July:


Cody & Charlie

Charlie is doing well.
After playing this morning, finally,
with the Nalley Gang and chasing a
ball for over an hour, he is taking a nap.
I need one too.


Charlie is in the blue harness

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