To hear the doggies sing "Jingle Bells", click the Title Square!
The following songs from the CD, Bark the Herald Angels Sing, are available for you & your Canine Companion's listening pleasure. They were created using RealEncoder, and are approximately 300k each.
We Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
Thanks to Mr. Scuba/VetteMan for creating these audio files.
![]() ![]() CHRISTMAS 1991 | |
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Misha (@RB) was our second Airedale, born on 25 November 1987, and adopted on 13 May 1988 (yes, it was a Friday the Thirteenth!).
Immediately after this photo was taken, Misha pulled Santa into the "trees" around the photo area. I can still hear him yelling as Misha pulled him off his chair, "I didn't know Airedales were so stro-o-o-n-n-n-n-g!!!!" She IS strong -- we have a harness for her, and during the winter, she pulls a sled with children on it.
My Christmas will be a whole lot wetter & merrier
If somebody sends me a six-week-old Boston Terrier.
-- E.B. White, The Fox of Peapack and Other Stories
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A great portrait drawn by my friend & former boss, Bob Anderson.
©1993 R. Anderson. All rights reserved.
There is, of course, a story behind this portrait. We put up many trees at Christmas (12 and counting). One of them is a "Bird Tree", because we are bird-watchers. This tree is full of bird-oriented ornaments, pine cones, silk holly, and styrofoam "berries".
One day, I came home from work and found parts of the tree strewn throughout the house -- ornaments, bits and pieces of styrofoam, pine cones, etc., etc. I looked at Misha, who looked back at me so innocently -- except her beard was all red, thus giving away who was the culprit!!
Bob had already made a "formal" portrait of Misha (see PUSH THE BUTTON & TAKE YOUR CHANCES), and he quickly drew this one with holly decorations, Misha's red beard, and her "Who, moi?" look.
They did such a good job of delivering presents last year that Misha & April were asked to do it again. This is a real challenge for Misha, as she would rather
unwrap presents than deliver them . . .
. . . as you can see here, she's just received her present and is going off to open it.
Doesn't every dog have her own Christmas tree? Well, Misha & April do -- and they will soon need a larger one! This is only one of eleven trees we put up -- and the two girls are such a help decorating them, too. With April's long tail, she "helps" by knocking ornaments off the trees every time she walks by.
You'd never know it, but the table was rocking back and forth while this photo was being taken -- neither of them was very happy about the situation. But, being the professional models that they are, the girls still managed to look their best.
For this portrait, we all dressed up for the Holidays. Typical of an Airedale, Misha is leaning on her Good Buddy, Mr. Scuba/VetteMan
This is the one
. . . and this is the one
Doesn't it look as though
You will notice that Cari is wearing a cast on her back leg.
the studio chose . . .
WE chose.
they're just about to
take off for a sleigh ride?
Read all about her mishap HERE
dogs have joined Misha (@RB), April, Cari & Ricoon the couch since 16 AUGUST 1996. We hope you all were comfy!!
Please stop and leave a message on the
Remember to bring along your virtual pooper-scooper!
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©1996-2006 All rights reserved
Updated 15 SEPTEMBER 2006