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Jackie writes:
On 28 July 2013, Dogs Trust was celebrating
On 26 July, Jackie writes:
Well, I have 40 books some loose change, pens, blue tac,
On 28 July, Jackie writes:
I went to Loughborough today and survived.
Tom was as good as his word - up & out for 8.15 a.m. departure.
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Then we got to a roundabout . . .
I was sure we should take third exit;
We were only 11 miles from our destination
We eventually drove for about a mile ignoring all commands,
We eventually got there and I set up the table . . .
They had given me the windiest spot possible and
I'm not at my best having to engage with strangers,
Elle trying to look interested
Meanwhile, I was getting a bit demoralised as two hours
Signing a book for someone
I was so worried that I would sit there for six hours and not sell one book.
I had one person ask me if it was suitable for a four-year-old.
Another asked me if I was that dog whisperer woman,
A couple said they only used Kindle,
By the end of the day I'd sold 18 books.
It was busy; there must have been about 500 cars in the car parking field.
Here are a couple of pics of the view I had of the show . . .
I felt I could not leave my seat in case I missed a sale . . .
. . . so this was all I saw of the show.
I have a whole new respect for stall holders at country fairs now.
On 5 August, Ella Tonge, Support Relations Officer,
I would just like to say a big thank you for being part of the first
Despite the wind throughout the day and getting to the field that morning
Over 3,000 people attended the show plus there were four-legged friends
The day was a great success, but also a learning curve.
So just a big big thank you to you as the day was a success
Next year's show is on 27 July, which we expect to be
Tom McGuinness crossed The Rainbow Bridge on 4 September 2013.