* Sometime in her childhood, Dity learned to play piano. Every page in this website will have a piece of piano music, becoming more advanced as the years go by.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, I only heard Dity play once . . . to think, in 58 years of my life, I only heard her play once . . . makes me sad to think on it.
When Dity went into hospital in April 2001, during her recovery we discovered a piano in the activities room. She sat down and played, flawlessly from memory, Beethoven's Fur Elise, which happened to be the ringtone I had been using on my cellphone. Unknown to me, this was my Mother's signature tune . . . and comes to play again on the last day of her life. But you'll have to peruse the entire website to find out how.
People came out of their rooms and meandered to the activities room to hear her play . . . and even though I bought sheet music for her, I never heard her play again.