We took in the Seattle Pike Place market . . .
. . . a giant antique store, went to a middle school music concert and spent time visiting. Lizzie is a very easy house guest - very self sufficient and willing to help out at every turn. So, if you are having a visit from her - you will have a gem of a guest!
While I was in Seattle, Lydia & I went to an antiques mall (those & thrift/ARC/Goodwill shopping are among my favourite pastimes) and I found this quilt top. The pieced patches are lovely but have been cobbled together horribly so there was my project for the trip . . . unpicking the pieces and ultimately creating a whole new quilt. I need a name for the finished quilt and obviously it has to include Airedales . . . any ideas, anyone? [Send Lizzie an email HERE]
I also got to see a bit of more ordinary - but hugely entertaining - everyday life: On the Tuesday night there was a School Concert to go to where Lydia's youngest nephew, Nick, was playing trumpet - it was truly impressive - several junior high bands, orchestras and choirs performing outstanding music.
Alice gives kisses as Dave looks on
Lizzie & Alice
We spent a lot of time in The Hub of the Kookie Kingdom. Would you believe Alice is more food motivated than Dave?
Alice gave her a Four Paws Up (especially because Lizzie didn't throw her out of the bath tub while using the facilities).
Dave loves Lizzie
Dave liked her too, but it took him a day or so before he relaxed and felt it was OK for her to be here. Cedar was here as well and he thought she was just fine!
The Kitchen Crew
We ate, drank and laughed and couldn't believe her time with us was about to end. I delivered her to the train this morning, Canada-bound for a visit with Maureen & Jim and the Circus.
All too soon it was time to hit the road - or tracks - and take the train to Vancouver. Hey - if you have a journey to take, consider Amtrak - wide, comfy seats, reasonable refreshments and they don't make you take your shoes off or take the computer out of the computer case before you get on the train . . . and all for $28! Plus I got to send a cool pic of a train to my grandson.