Shannon writes:

St Joe has landed here in Wisconsin,
thanks to Andrea & Randy Kohloff,
who brought him safely to us.


Joe & our Mickey; Shannon & St.Joe; Andrea & Phoebe


Beautiful Phoebe

He is the most adorable little guy . . . he, of course, after only a night with us, has wiggled his way right into our hearts! He slept through the night with no fuss, only to find he had been happily chewing through his harness as we slept.

Mickey has taken up his usual place behind our bedroom door until he stops being mad at us for bringing another "one of those" into our home to bug him.

Maggy, being the old retired mom that she is [and who can be seen HERE], allows him to sit on her head and chew on her feet until he tires and goes to sleep right dab smack on top of her! All you can see are these eyes peeking out from underneath this little furry butt, pleading with us to get this thing off of her!


His favorite spot . . . sitting ON Maggy!

He is pretty shy & cautious with us so far. He wants to trust, but just isn't sure just yet. When we can get him to come close enough so we can get ahold of him, he is more then happy to be held & snuggled. He really enjoys the attention. I can already see a difference between last night and today; a bit more willingness to come a little bit closer.


Joe my husband (after whom St Joe is named) was babytalking to him this morning when all of a sudden up came the paw . . . guess who wanted to play! He is just so darn cute I can't stand it. We're so very lucky to be able to foster him, especially after his rough beginning. But that's OK - we are going to make up for that while he's here with us!



Life is good. ya know??

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