Anim Anim


25 JULY 2009

Sue Stoughton writes:

Through the efforts of many, we were able to, over the weekend, move three dogs from an elderly owner/breeder situation to loving foster homes on their way to finding new forever homes.

Their journey started on Saturday when the Road Trip Girls, Holly Crotty & Beth Spitzer (of WESTIE RESCUE OF MISSOURI) made the long, long (did I say long?) drive to Waynesville, Missouri and back. Along they way there were issues with crate poop but, I understand, it was handled with humor and the dogs were turned over to Jim Lewis (who gave up a fishing trip) for the northbound leg, ending up at my house for the night, where Shell Lewis came to snap a few photos.


Jim Lewis, who did one leg of the transport, holds Molly Lewis
(The arms in gray that are holding dogs belong to Chris Stoughton)

In the morning, and after my husband, Chris, chased one of the dogs around the yard for half an hour trying to get it in the crate, I met the fabulous Jenny (along with her excellent boyfriend & excellent Cairn) who drove two of the furballs to meet the ever-humorous and calm-in-the-face-of-anything Peg Emonds, who then took the babies to I'll-drive-anywhere-to-save-a-dog Jen Guthrie (for the long, long trip back to the Detroit area, where Danielle Waitz met her new foster, Friday, and to the very excited Al & Janet (who had a Welcome Rockie sign on their garage door.

In the meantime, I dropped the third baby with Belinda, who was thrilled to be able to foster a girl this time, the very small & elusive Sugaree.

The total mileage for this route was over 800 miles and involved many wonderful volunteers. We had so many volunteers for this move that I had to give some of them rain checks to participate on the next one because the routes were full. What a generous group.

Wherever you are as you read this, please give a round of applause to an excellent group of volunteers who saved three dogs on a beautiful summer weekend in the Midwest. At times like this it is easy to remember why we do what we do.

(the dog, not the day of the week)

July's July's


Gus Stoughton wants some of that lovin', too
Rescue Mission, which can be seen HERE


July's July's


Shell Lewis holds Friday

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