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Debbie writes to Shell & Andréa:

Thursday was a busy day. After you left, Gracie took a nap in Debbie's arms. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more.

In the evening, after Owen got home, Debbie's friend Sue (from school . . . future baby sitter), Becky & Russell (Debbie's children), and Haley, a Jack Russell terrier, came for a visit. Gracie wanted to play with Haley but Haley has been an only dog and had a terrible experience at an obedience class where she was the littlest dog and was trampled by others. Gracie was a sweetheart, sensed that Haley was edgy, so she crawled over to her and licked her face. Despite a couple of nips, she kept trying. We will try again. Haley just has to get to know and trust her. Gracie was exhausted and slept in her kennel.

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Friday it was just Debbie & Gracie. Debbie had a doctor's visit, so Gracie was in her kennel for about two hours. When Debbie got back home, Gracie was beside herself. Debbie had to hold her and reassure her that she is loved & wanted.

Today on Saturday morning, we have been in the kitchen cooking for a birthday party later today at her sister-in-law's. We do not plan to take Gracie because she is still new to our house, and being with 25-30 strangers could be traumatic. She was in the kitchen all morning hoping we would drop some of the italian beef, and she did clean up dropped berries and investigated an ice cube that lasted several minutes. Now she is at our feet while we are composing this message.

To our surprise, to date there have been only two accidents, and she seems to be claiming our back yard as her domain. She runs from one side to the other and looks like she is smiling.

She sends her love to both of you and is adapting well. Thank you both for all you did to help her with her journey to get to us.

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