

After three months of working with Nikki, we were not able to control his dog aggressiveness. We called upon Robert Hallett, who had evaluated Nikki several weeks before and given some ideas to use with him, to take him "under his wing", so to speak. We thought that since Nikki had spent three months with us in 2006 and he had already intimidated The Gang of Four, he needed to be integrated into a completely new pack . . . Robert & his companion, Jeanine, certainly have that!

Just as I "specialize" in puppy mill dogs who have special needs (RosieVi the Shy of THE SENIOR SQUAD & DaisyTwoLegs are two examples of particular "special needs" Cairns), Robert's area of expertise is aggressive dogs . . . biters, fear-biters, dogs who refuse to realize they are NOT Alpha in the pack, whether that pack be human or canine.

The Skrenninger Pack, both humans & canines, were becoming quite stressed out with the level of attention Nikki needed to be quarantined from the other dogs and yet maintain the level of exercise, socialization & oversight that he needed. The Gang of Four was becoming more and more nervous, particularly Rico, naturally enough, as he was often the target of Nikki's aggressiveness.

When Robert & Jeanine agreed to take Nikki, we were ecstatic; Cari grabbed one of her toys and started dancing around the house . . . and they say dogs don't understand what we say!

So on Saturday evening, we packed up several of Nikki's things, sewed name labels in his underwear, taught him a few songs for around the campfire, and drove to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin to meet Robert & Jeanine . . .

. . . who brought along MollyToto the Cairn (who looks JUST like DaisyTwoLegs, except with four legs, of course) - a biter whom he adopted from Missouri Westie Rescue - and Romo the Westie - a fear-biter currently "in training" with them.

Of course, I neglected to bring my camera, but suffice it to say we sat lakeside for some time, in the midst of crowds celebrating Fall Fest, with Nikki in his crate and MollyToto & Romo on our laps, all without any problem.

Upon Nikki&s release from his crate, he was immediately put into a belly up position by both Robert & Jeanine, and then we parted ways, Nikki looking back a few times to see where we'd gone . . .

As you can see from these photos and Robert's comments, Nikki's heart was NOT broken by our leavetaking . . . "Throw me a ball and I'll follow you anywhere" is his mantra.


Robert, MollyToto & Nikki

On Sunday, 30 September, Robert & Jeanine write:

Last evening we rolled Nikki's belly up to establish pack order with Molly & Romo; other than some minor testing, Nikki has accepted his position as Number Three, Molly being high alpha. We then took him to Jeanine's and did the same with her Shepherd & Golden mix; all he has done there is to warn off the Shepherd.

We have been playing ball with them this afternoon and there was a slight tussle with Molly, but he backed off quickly.

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