And yes, I got to feed Forrest. What a joy -- never in my life had I imagined I would see, let alone get that close to, a wombat. He was full of vinegar after being fed, but eventually settled down and started to doze off in Sue's arms, so she put him on the couch and he burrowed behind the pillows, lay on his side with his little paws pressed up against the back of the couch and fell asleep.
![]() Libby Gets Her Wish |
On 27 June, Denise Garratt, Director, Help for Wildlife, writes:
Dear Andréa
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful work you have done in putting up little Forest's story for your friends & colleagues to see what magical creatures we share this world with.
Forrest's story needs to be put into book form, you know! We should share this good news story with everyone - we need to share the magic.
It was so very kind of everyone to donate to Porscha's wildlife shelter - I know she will put the gift to excellent use. Porscha is an exceptional young lady and a very exceptional wildlife carer; it gives one so much hope for the future knowing that she will carry on with the massive amount of work we all have to do to protect & care for our precious & fragile wildlife.
For us, it is a privilege that we can share this with you and please, thank those sincerely who helped with funding for Forrest's future, for their kindness and love.
Again, many, many thanks.
![]() Sue & The Rascal - almost asleep again. |
On 6 July, Porscha writes:
Dear fellow Animal Lovers Worldwide,
Little Forrest Wombat & I would like to send a personal note of Appreciation to all those of you in the Airedale community who have not only been part of following our special experience but also have given even the smallest amount of financial support.
I personally have felt very privileged in being blessed with the tough & sometimes sleepless journey which I have had with the little critter. Even though itıs not my first time raising a wombat, each orphaned baby has a special place in my heart and leaves me feeling a different sense of reward than the one before (very addictive feeling of satisfaction!). Baby Forrest had the added excitement to be sharing it with you all.
Most importantly, I would like to say a Very Special Thanks from Little Forrest himself to Sue & Bill for their kind-hearted rescue and believing in my ability to make him pull thru his ordeal. Without these two special people his journey would have ended months ago.
Also without Sue & Andréa's hard work & dedication to share his story, animal lovers wouldn't have had the opportunity to follow his progress, so for this, both Forrest & I are most grateful.
We thank Libby & Garry for taking the time to visit Little Forrest along with his fellow orphaned friends at Tindara Wildlife Shelter during their visit to "OZ". We hope the rare pleasure of meeting our wonderful wildlife is something which stays with them for life.
Now the hard work begins with Forrest's rehabilitation back to being a successful wombat: an outside playpen where nonstop digging takes place and daily walks for exercise & food appreciation classes is on the new routine. We still have a way to go, but he is well, gaining weight, teeth & claws working (better than normal) and enjoying the learning process, as am I.
Once again itıs time for me to return to milk-bottle preparation for Tindara's babies, so my Warmest Thanks & Appreciation to you all for all your good wishes & support.
Lots of Love,
Porscha & Little Forrest Wombat
![]() Little Forrest Smiles in Appreciation |
For more pics of Libby & Garry's
Adventures in OZ, click HERE