Libby Karier adds:
Long story, but because of baby Forrest and my upcoming trip to Oz, I have since been *introduced* (cyberly) to two more Aussies. One is a friend of my friend the squirrel rehabber (to whom I sent the news of Forrest) and the second, the friend of the first Aus. friend who sent her my name, just because.
Anyway, I sent these new acquaintances a note commenting on the wondrous world of the internet This was the response from one:
"And so we connect people from three continents in a matter of keystrokes - if only the world would learn to type instead of how to fire a gun. Community - it's what the internet should be about, don't you think?"
And that got me thinking (again) of this wonderful Airedale community of which we're all a part -- via the web and/or local rescue groups. And how grand it is. Community, it is indeed what the Internet should be -- and for me -- is about.
A Brief comment on Saturday (in Oz):
Had a great chat with Porscha last night; LF is jumping out of his skin and being a right little 'wombat monster' . . . into everything. What a contrast to a
week ago.
On Sunday, 1 May, Sue writes:
Little Forrest is runnng!!
That is, I pretty much expect to see him running, when Bill & I visit Porscha & Forrest later this afternoon - where it's Sunday in Oz.
I did have a great chat with Porscha on Friday night, when she told me of some excellent progress with our little Airebat. He is now showing all the signs of recovery from his massive ordeal that we could wish for . . . including putting on weight. When we first delivered him to Porscha ten days ago, he barely tipped the scales at four kilograms (sort of around 8-9 pounds, comparable with a new-born human baby.
He's now weighing a good two pounds more, and energy to match. Of course, he still has his most active times around 2:00 a.m., but Porscha has now given him the run of not only his outsized crate, but the 'bedroom' in which his crate sits. She can close the door, knowing that he can tumble & grumble his way around the couch, the cushions, the empty cardboard boxes and assorted safe items in the room, have a tussle with the odd clump of grass she leaves as a chewable play toy, and still find his way successfully back into his burrow-basket when he needs a snooze.
We've been totally overwhelmed with the numbers of emails & the dollars sent by Forrest's international family.
Thank you thank you thank you - and to think that over a 1000 Aussie dollars is winging its way into Forrest's little paws to give to Porscha for her incredible work simply makes us awestruck at your astounding generosity. I mean, I know we all give our hearts & souls to our Airedales in need, but you have transformed Forrest's needs into an international event and shown just how huge your hearts are.
In my chat with Denise Garratt, the Head of Help For Wildlife (under whose auspices Porscha is licensed as a Shelter), she is keen for Porscha to use the money in a way which endures, but can also be kept in her own possession. For example, portable fencing enclosures, so that if Porscha ever has to leave the property she is living on, she can take them with her. I had mentioned the tracking device, but Denise says that is something that is exceedingly complicated and requires all kinds of government permits, plus endless paperwork on any project undertaken. So, whilst it sounds good in theory, the practice may not be 'practical'.
We'll see, anyway. I said to Porscha tonight that we'd have more of a discussion about it later in the week, when she and I both (in theory) have some time to sit down and talk. There is no urgency to spend the money instantly; better to spend it wisely.
Porscha's mouth dropped when I told her there was over $1200 AUD coming. I think she doesn't quite believe it. She & Neil are so excited about the webpages on Forrest. Nothing like this has ever happened to her before.
Bill & Little Forrest, Sunday, 1 May 2005
Later that day, Sue writes:
Forrest is Run Run Running!!
Adorable doesn't come close. I am over the moon . . . Forrest is just FANTASTIC!!
Sue & Little Forrest
To think that ten days ago, a feather breath might have taken him over the Bridge, and today I'm cuddling this sturdy little bundle of bright-eyed I'm-gonna-be-a-big-boy-soon Wombat named Forrest.
Forrest has grown. Forrest has put on weight. Forrest has still got his wound, but it is healing. Forrest is happy, Forrest is contented, Forrest is full of determination, Forrest is one little miracle of a baby Wombat. Forrest is feisty, friendly, fast, funny, frisky, affectionate and oh so full of life.
He's an Honorary Airedale in a shiny brown Wombat suit, which fits him perfectly. I could cry with happiness. He makes my heart sing.
Little Forrest scratches his nose
And we're all down here on the bottom side of the world, sending a Earth-sized group hug to you all. Let's hear it for Forrest again ..........Run Forrest Run Run Runnnnn ......