Shell writes:

Today was Molly & Polly's going-home day. We had somewhat of a family reunion at Foster Mom Marge's house where the two new DogMoms, Deanna Messer of Park City, Utah & Wendy Culver of Madison, Wisconsin, were joined by Faith Hart of Chicago who had earlier adopted Merlin, Molly & Polly's littermate. They had not seen each other for about six weeks and as everyone is going in different directions, we thought it would be fun to have a reunion.

Thanks, Faith, for bringing Merlin out to see his sisters one last time! As you saw in the previous pictures, the girls took delight in beating up on their brother.

Ph Ph

Polly is going to Wendy Culver, who is a human resources director in Madison Wisconsin, and the proud DogMom of a 10-1/2 year old Cairn named Kelsie who is very youthful and in excellent health. Wendy comes home every day at lunch and spends time with Kelsie, who loves other dogs and is excited about having a baby sister to whom he can "show the ropes". Wendy is an experienced terrier person who grew up with Westies.


Hey, Mom! Your hair color is the same as mine!
Is that lovely smile for me??


Molly Lewis explains to Wendy that a good portion
of the adoption donation is tax-deductible!


Wendy thanks Molly for that information with a kiss.


Faith holds Merlin; Wendy holds Polly; Deanna holds Molly

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