Now we bring out the toys.
After all the work of entertaining a guest,
and then several hours more
of games of chasechasechase & biteyface,
Mandy rests next to me as I write her website.
The pillows are the ones she nosed off the bed
on her first day here . . . maybe she had to make up
her own amusement in her former life.
Or maybe she just didn't like
the Scotties on the pillows . . .
who knows what goes on in the mind of a Cairn.
She cannot seem to rest in one place
for more than a few minutes . . .
I suppose that living with five kids
makes you kinda jumpy.
Now she is lying on the Airedale mat
made by my cyberfriend, Sally Babcock.
(The two Cairn mats Sally made
are on the living room couch;
they were the first place Mandy
slept when she arrived last week.)
"I wonder what tomorrow will bring . . .
Good Night!"