It began with a scratchy throat . . .
. . . then a few coughs . . .
. . . and ended up in full-blown
bronchitis & high fever.
This led to a doctor visit . . .
. . . a regimen of antibiotics . . .
. . . and a TEN-DAY DIVING BAN.
After hours of consideration, discussion with me and with DAN
(Divers Alert Network, with whom he has travel insurance),
he has decided to come home.
Which meant more hours of discussion
with airlines reservations staff; all while being quite sick
AND with intermittant phone and internet service.
As I write this on Saturday afternoon (USA), he is, in fact,
flying home and will be back in Milwaukee on Sunday afternoon.
Oh, and it's snowing here, with an expected several inches.
If the highway is bad, I'll have to order a car to pick him up.
This trip - despite all his planning - was just not meant to be.
We're just grateful this all happened BEFORE he went aboard the ODYSSEY,
with no doctor, no meds, and going up and down while he was ill.