

29 APRIL 2012


On 6 May, Whitney writes:

Addie turned 1 on April 29th!
I'll admit it, I cried.
Someone once told me
that when it comes to dogs,
The days are long,
but the years are short.

I can't believe
Addie's a year old.

On her birthday, my parents & I
cooked Addie a hamburger dinner, which she loved.
She also got some new presents (not that she needs more toys).
She got a squeaky hedgehog and an alligator with lots of squeakies
(she loves squeaky toys more than almost anything).
She also got a rubber chicken that basically screams
when it gets chewed on - I think it's horrible,
but she picked it out in the pet store and thinks it's the greatest thing ever,
so much so that I have to hide it and only bring it out occasionally.


I also got her one of the Nina Ottosson treat puzzles.
She really enjoys treat puzzles, but figures them out really easily,
so this one has varying levels of difficulty to keep her challenged.


Addie continues to be the most wonderful dog -
She's definitely still mischievous and has recently entered a teenage phase
where she basically challenges me all the time,
but she's a terrier so I expected it.
She has brought so much joy & laughter to my life.

Highlights of the past few months:

- She learned how to fist bump [SEE THE VIDEO HERE]
and my nieces LOVE it. Addie also thinks it's a guaranteed way to get a treat.

- Her prey drive seems to have awakened in a way I never expected.
She found a mouse in my parent's house [SEE THE VIDEO HERE].
Ever since, she has been hunting practically every second of every day.
Which basically translates into her staring out the window for hours on end.
And trying to dig in every bush we have.
Not to mention catching moths in mid-air.

I plan to try earthdog trials this summer,
because I really think her prey drive needs some sort of outlet.
I've never had a dog this fixated on hunting.

- She goes to doggie day care for half days three or four times a week.
She LOVES the facility she goes to (City Bark Parker)
and they are all wonderful with her.
They're also good about reinforcing her training.

I get to watch her online on the webcam they have which is fun.
Her best friends there are Jimmy the Jack Russell &
Mitzy the American Eskimo/Papillon mix.
Whenever they're in daycare with her,
she sleeps for about 16 hours afterward.


I will always be thankful to you for saving her & her family,
and for choosing me to be Addie's mom.


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