I had bought a size small diaper, which she promptly scraped off under the bed (she had reason to leave her cave and did so, just to get this thing off her rear end!)
VetteMan & I went out to dinner; when we returned, we found that both elimination functions worked just fine, thank you. Diaper was off, of course. Get the Resolve & the paper towels.
Tuesday, embryonic steps (those are a wee bit smaller than baby steps) were taken: Zoe moves freely between the printer cabinet & under the bed (a distance of about two feet). She peeks out and watches what is going on around the house, or at least the limited part she can see. While I showered, I heard the jingling of her tags and when I looked down the hallway, she had begun walking out of the bedroom, scuttling right back under the bed when she saw me.
Zoe stays on the couch when I put her there and walk away. Which is probably 'cause she has no idea how to jump down . . .
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. . . deciding that jumping down from the armrest onto a coffee table is the way to go . . .
![]() . . . or not. |
Tuesday evening, I discover that neither my FlashCard Reader nor my JumpDrive will work. Zoe is under the computer cabinet, so I look to see what she is doing, and discover that my USB cable is chewed through . . . in two places! She took great interest in VetteMan as he was lying under the cabinet, replacing the cable, which is the first time I've seen her evince an interest in anything happening around her.
And she peed in her diaper, which is not the same as peeing outside, but that, for the moment, is an exercise in futility.
And yes, I gave her a variety of chew toys, all of which she disdained.