Zoe shivered her way to the vet, through the receptionist room, and into the examining room. When our vet, Dr. Pisarik, came in, Zoe immediately calmed down, let him take out her staples, clean her ears and check for earmites.
Result: No staples. No earmites. New medications for her ear infections. And a treat, which she ate.
We are beginning to see real progress: She chews on toys, rather than on her feet. She jumps off the couch (but not yet the beds . . . she AROOOOOOOOOOOs to be taken down if you leave her alone too long). She will walk out of my room if everyone else is not visible, although if you come to take a peek, she scurries back into the room, but NOT immediately under the bed or in the printer cabinet. She is not always in the far corner under the bed, but often half-way out, to keep an eye on things going on.
She watches April, Cari & Rico to see how they play with each other and with me, and how they interact with each other and with me. It appears she attempts to emulate them at times . . . slow baby steps, but steps nevertheless!
Big breakthrough this morning - she left my room and came into the other bedroom, back & forth, back & forth, down the hallway to DogPops, the zooooom, back under my bed. 'Nuff for the morning, I guess. But her tail was up & wagging, and she actually looked happy about running back & forth. Small steps, but steps nevertheless, considering a week ago, I was sure she'd never be a happy dog . . .
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On the big bed with the other two, "helping" fill boxes with winter clothing to put in the attic. They want to be in the boxes, too (Cari is already halfway in) . . . and I was able to put a 'dana on her, so all four dogs match. |
And then, a miracle occurred . . . Zoe came out into the living room! She began bouncing around Cari & Rico (her version of a playbow), and playtime soon began. A WONderful DogMom's Day Gift, which has continued off & on throughout the afternoon & evening.
Truly a "deer-in-the-headlights" look
"Which toy do you want, Zoe?" . . .
. . . "THAT ONE, RICO!"
"Smells like TREATS in here."
Zoe has become possessive; if Rico is on my lap, Zoe jumps on the couch (yes, she can now jump on the couches) and everything is copacetic - she just lies down next to me. However, if SHE is on my lap and any of the dogs come within ten feet of us, watch out! We are working on this possessiveness. We had an altercation between the two of them, although no blood was drawn. Lots of noise, but that seems to be it. Now the two of them are playmates again.
She is also obsessively caprophagic, but I have a supply of For-Bid which I am sprinkling on everydog's food to combat this problem, which is probably a result of having to defecate in her cage for her two years at the puppymill.
And . . . she chews. Toll so far: One USB cable. One flipflop. Four paws. I suppose if you're sitting in a cage all the time, without any toys, your paws are the only things to chew on. No hotspots or any damage, yet, but we are working hard to discourage paw-licking and -chewing by giving her alternatives. By now, she probably thinks her name is NOe.