Shell writes:
Foxy is going to her forever home this weekend.
24 July
I'm so proud of Zoe!
She's been with us for . . . two months? When she came here, she was so terrified, her tail went under her belly 'til it touched her nose. Noise would scare her, talk would scare her, LIFE would scare her. I seriously thought she'd have such a miserable life, she'd have to be euthanizeed, but I wanted to give her a chance.
Today I brought home CindyLou Who (Who Is Much More Than Two), an owner-surrender. I'm the only human home right now, so I thought this was going to be a disaster, especially with Zoe who is now possessive of her hidey hole, her food, her water, her human (that would be me) . . .
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If you could visualize a dog holding out her arms to a stranger and saying, "Welcome to this place of fun and rest and treats. You, too, will find solace and nurturing here . . . let me show you my room, my dish, my yard, my toys, my Cairn friends Rico & Cari, my human" . . . that would be Zoe.
Unbelievable . . . now she is a mentor, as Rico was for her. All three are now running up & down the hallway like a small herd of elephants, so I put them outside to run off some of their energy . . . what a blast they are!
The handoff to Pat Messer in
CindyLou definitely needs a bath, diet & exercise, and some time to let her skin heal and her haire grow back, poor thing. For an 11-year-old, overeight dog, though, she sure had the pep to play with Rico & Zoe (even Cari played the chasemechaseme game) . . . I'm sure she has several more years in her, with the right Forever Home.
25 July
Took out the kiddie pool today. Rico, of course, had more fun with the hose as the pool was filling - he gets so mad at it, he picks it up and sprays everyone and everydog on the deck.
To my surprise, Zoe got in, first thing. This is Ms FraidyCat, Ms OhNoI'mSoScared . . . she went diving for rocks I tossed in, caught pieces of leaves, blew bubbles. Acted like she'd done this her whole life. And me without a camera . . .
29 July
Want me to show you my new trick?
Zoe has a new trick . . . she grabs a mouthful of food, climbs up on this couch tray/table, and then, one by one, noses the kibble off the table to Rico, who is standing below. I'm waiting for Rico to learn to CATCH them, rather than picking them off the floor! Where does she get these inspirations, I wonder . . .
See, I push the kibble off right here, and Rico eats it off the floor.
Isn't that clever of me? And I thought it up all by myself!
This is what our two ditzes do during the hottest time of the day . . .