On Saturday, Shell reports:
We're in Missouri; had a nice trip yesterday. Stopped in a couple of antique malls and hit the winery too. Skippy & Molly were very well-behaved and were even allowed into the winery for a photo op.
Cheers! . . . Jim, Skippy & Molly sample "the fruit of the vine"
Interesting that there are several large billboards as you enter the Ozark region (where Dr. Tolliver is located) with anti-puppymill messages. Good to know that at least there's an attempt to bring awareness to it.
Jim & I are hoping to have breakfast with Dr. Tolliver this morning before going to pick up the pooches.
Jim standing in front of Cross Creek Animal Hospital
Beautiful waiting room at Cross Creek Animal Hospital
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Shell & Dr. Tolliver with
Cross Creek receptionist Kathy
Dr. Tolliver with her own Cairn, Mac
Dr. Tolliver with a darling little Papillion, Daphne,
Kathy smiles as Schnitzle stands guard
Dr. Tolliver meets Molly & Skippy