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19 OCTOBER 2008

Shannon writes:

Louie has gone to his forever home already! Elizabeth called to tell me that Brenda had called her and they were approved. Then she wanted to know when they could pick him up. I told her once I got the contracts from BJ . . . well, five minutes later here they were . . . I called her and said she could come now or tomorrow . . . nope, they wanted him NOW . . . and I guess I don't blame them, they were so excited.


Elizabeth came by herself because "daddy" was home getting everything ready for him! When I saw her with Louie it made me grin from ear to ear . . . he is going to be one loved puppy, I tell you . . . they are truly great people. This is the greatest part about fostering - sending them on their way to the best possible home ever!


Enough of this lovin', already!
I got some ZOOMIN' to do!

Thanks, Andréa & CairnDaddy, for helping me out with him . . . he got a good start thanks to you & your gang! Mickey & Maggy were doing an Irish jig . . . honest . . . when he left. They are so happy he is gone!

20 October:

Got an email this morning: he slept through the night, woke up wanting to play!! Funny thing is he didn't pester us much . . . he would lie with me on the couch or on Joe's lap . . . but I would also chase him around the house and he would run round & round, and I played fetch with him . . . plus let him run outside on the tie-out . . . I'm sure they'll do the same!! In fact, because he is the focus of their attention they'll spend a lot of time on and with him!

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