10 OCTOBER 2016
Shell Lewis writes:
Oliver from Hammond, Indiana
came to my attention via
a Facebook share. His owner,
who was a hoarder, went into
a nursing home.
No one wanted Oliver and he
passed from person to person
until he ended up with
a friend of the woman's
granddaugter, who could not
afford to take care of Oliver's
medical needs and was going
take him to a shelter.
Lisa rescues Oliver
When I heard about
Oliver via Facebook,
I messaged Lisa Crabtree,
one of our northern Indiana
foster homes, who immediately
contacted the family friend;
within an hour,
she was at his house
to pick up Oliver.
I met Lisa the following
afternoon and took Oliver
directly to the vet.
Vet Tech Sheila does the initial exam on Oliver
We were told Oliver
was three years old,
but Dr. Ammon of
Animal House of St. Charles
estimates him to be a little older -
between five and six years.
A close-up view of Oliver's left eye with ruptured ulcer
Although Oliver is neutered,
Dr. Ammon suspects he has never received any medical care.
The poor little guy has lots of issues going on:
Blood in his urine, which we are hoping it is a UTI that will
clear up quickly with antibiotics; a ruptured corneal ulcer,
so his left eye will need to be removed; and he is heartworm positive.
Once we have a handle on his UTI,
we'll begin treatment for his heartworm disease.
Despite all these issues,
Oliver is a sweet and
affectionate little man.
He is a terrier mix and
if I had to guess,
I'd say he's probably
crossed with a Shih Tzu.
Lisa & Oliver with Meagan & Noah
So sad to think no one wanted him! Thank you, CRUSA, for turning his life around . . .
all good things will happen to him from now on!
I don't think a little face has ever hurt my heart like Ollie's has. Such a sad face and haunted eyes, they almost tell his story. That he is now safe with Cairn Rescue is such a gift. Thank you all for rescuing him! I look forward to seeing and hearing how his story progresses and know those eyes will be blessed with love from now on. I don't think I would be able to let him go. I just can't get him out of my mind.