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Finally back home, safe and sound, a bath for each of them. I had to go out at 3:00 p.m. that day. This time of year we're really busy with all of the holiday celebrations. Tonight was a Christmas boat cruise. We decided one of us would stay home with the fur kids. We felt they were too "new" to be left at home alone. So, Craig stayed and I went. Don't worry . . . it was his turn to go to a party on Sunday, and my turn to stay home with them. So, I went out, and returned home around midnight. As I placed the key into the front door lock, I heard a "woof" from the other side of the door. It had to be Peanut. Rusty never even barks.
The door opened, and there was Craig & two wildly- excited animals there to greet me! How nice, I thought - -they're all still up! As I bent down to say hello to them, they wiggled and danced as only they can do. They were both so loving, and glad to see me. Then Peanut slipped through and past me - no worries, she just on the front porch. As I turned to grab her, she slipped away from me. Then she bolted toward the driveway. "Here Peanut". "Peanut!". No response. "Peanut??" Let the frenzy begin. I was still hanging on to Rusty when Craig jumped past us and took off after Peanut. He wasn't wearing shoes, just socks. Oh yeah, and pajamas (!). He swears to me they are sweat pants, but at this time of night, they look to me like pajamas. It was really wet and rainy out. Of course.
"Peanut . . . Peanut . . . " was all I heard. I could see that she had run across the road and into the neighbors yard. Okay, he's got her, I thought. But Craig was still calling her. I saw her stop to look at him, and as he approached her, she tooook off running! Down the street like a bolt of lightning! Oh no. Suddenly, I was terrified. She was headed toward the next street - while there weren't many cars at this time of night, there were a few.
I closed the door with Rusty inside, and hopped back in the truck. Driving now, I couldn't see either of them. Then in the headlights, I caught sight of Craig's white socks - -runrunrunning down the street. No sign of Peanut! I was panic-stricken!
He disappeared through some trees as I rounded the corner in the truck. Finally, a block away, I saw Craig standing in someone's yard - peering into the darkness behind a house. I pulled up beside the driveway, hesitating to pull in as it would mean shining the bright headlights into their windows. I couldn't see a thing back there. Hesitation lasted oh - say, about two or three seconds. Oh, what the heck! I threw it into reverse and backed up to where I could pull into the driveway - then pulled forward right up to the house. Bright lights on everything! THERE she was! I could see her off in the distance. She was grazing around like a sheep in their back yard - who knows WHAT she was grazing on, but she was oblivious to anyone around her. I yelled - "GO!" Craig saw her at the same time and took off again . . . he got within five feet of her, and sure enough, off she ran. Galloping away and through to the next back yard behind that one!! The people in the house came out to see what all the fuss was about. " . . . new dog . . . ran away . . . so sorry . . . explain later . . . " was all Craig could muster as he tore by them in his pajamas and bright white socks.
By now, I was filled with terror - -what to do? Thinking . . . thinking . . . must-find-her! I considered where she might be, and decided to back out of that driveway and park. If she continued in the direction she was headed, she'd end up in a lake. I hopped out and began to walk - just then, I saw a dark figure appear from behind a house. It was coming toward me - my eyes strained in the darkness to try and make out the odd shape drawing nearer . . . wait . . . I can see something white . . . moving . . . SOCKS!!
Daddy's little (wild) girl.
It's Craig! And he's carrying Peanut! He walked by me with the giant, soaking wet, 85-pound furball clutched tightly in his arms. "Found her" was all he said. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I chanted to myself quietly "think-long-term . . . think-long-term . . . we're-in-charge . . . we're-in-charge . . . ."
I hopped back in the truck and told him to climb in with the precious cargo. He said, "No, I'll walk - I don't want to let go of her again." So, as I followed closely behind in the truck, he walked with the Peanut in his arms . . . all I could see in the two beams of light were two floppy white socks, padding up the street and an occasional flash of two bright Peanut eyes.
Zzzzzz. Let's see . . . where will I escape to tomorrow?
We slept soundly that night . . . she didn't even whine once.
Oh my! What a heart-stopping story today! I'm still hyperventilating . . . .
Thanks Barbie & Andréa for more Peanut Reports. Peanut sounds even nuttier (sorry) than the Littlest Lunatic! I'd love to introduce them one day . . . or perhaps not, come to think of it.
Me too! (still hyperventilating). You know, you aren't the first to mention that one is reminded of the Littlest Lunatic when it comes to our Peanut. In fact, over the past few days, we too have thought
her antics similar to those of your LL. So much so, that lately we've been calling her LL-Bean. The "LL" part is after your lovely girl (take a bow Courtenay), and the "Bean" part . . . well, you know, peanuts are legumes . . . legumes are beans . . . Okay. groan, I know, but it is what we've started calling her. Not all the time, just usually when she's done something rather, um, shall we say . . . unusual?
She is an adventure in an Airedale suit, and I have to keep an eye on her every second. Example: I arrived home (with the dogs) this evening from a huge shopping spree (ugh . . . the effort!). I had the door from the garage to the house open, and they were free to mill about. Now, one must understand - our garage is pretty "dog-friendly". I mean there are no weird bottles of poison or chemicals lying around for sniffy noses to get into. Nothing to worry about,
So, I'm busy loading up the freezer, and I noticed that Peanut (LL-Bean) was being pretty quiet. Hmmm . . . not a good sign. Mind you, this
is all of about 20 seconds. So I look around, and find her lying there, chewing on something. Uh oh, what now? Upon closer inspection, I find that she has taken a ball of twine---what WAS a new ball of twine--and "de-twined" it. She had it strung EVERYWHERE, including 'round and 'round her front left paw. And now she was stuck. At this point, she was attempting to chew her way out. According to the path made by the twine, she must've clocked about two miles in there!
I just looked at her. I was speechless. She simply stared back at me: "What?!?". I don't even know where she managed to find it! It took me another 20 minutes to undo the twine - of course she had to "help" me get her out of that mess. And in the process, I managed to get myself tangled up before it was all over. It probably didn't help things that I was laughing too hard to be effective. Apparently, she thinks wiggling, slurping and dancing are the answer
to every situation.
Ahhhh. Another day with my little Peanut.
Barbie (I need a rest)
PS. Maureen, I can't even fathom those two (LL & Peanut) in the same room together!
Peanut says "thank you" for the kind welcome. She is busy doing something at the moment--never quite sure what that might be, however! But always busy nonetheless. She thinks Rusty is the greatest. Rusty is still acquiring a "taste" for this Peanut. He's
not too sure about all of her energy, but I have watched in the past couple of days how they runrunrun and play in the yard like crazy! It does my heart good to see that they are enjoying one another. I'm sure loving both of them.
As far as Rusty making her look bad in the photos . . . isn't it always the way? The camera adds at least 10 pounds (!), you know. She asked me the other day if her harness made her look fat - I assured her that it didn't. She goes to the doggie spa soon, and the real Peanut will be revealed to all. Should be quite the little makeover for her. We're all very excited to see if there's an Airedale in there! We're sure it's mostly fur . . .
Peanut (Peering into the mirror: Are you sure this looks okay?)
What a great waker-upper this morning. "The Saga of Peanut"" - can this be, like, a serial??......... you know, maybe a new adventure every week. This is addictive stuff. Great narrative, Barbie (you have that resilient ADT humor in the face of gravity) . . . .
Kudos to all involved.
On 18 February, Barb writes:
They graduated on Saturday from Six weeks of Good Manners class. In two weeks they start another round - Good Manners II. There is hope for them!
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Peanut & Rusty Bryant-Rise shown with the kind permission of Barb Rise & Craig Bryant
The Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then whip the other dog.
-- Teddy Roosevelt
If you have a Second-Hand 'Dale and would like to share her/his story, please e-mail me.
Be sure to visit FRIENDS OF AIREDALES MEMORIAL FUND. Your memorial will make a difference in an Airedale's life.
Thanks to Karen Clouston for the Airedale Graphics
Remember to bring along your virtual pooper-scooper!
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Updated 15 APRIL 2007