On November 11, Lark writes:
Jack & Merrillee rescued a two-year-old chocolate lab on 4 July whom we named JD.
14 November:
We should have named JD, MD (Merrillee's Dog)
Merrillee is absolutely delightful, mischievous and the alpha dog.
She too likes the barn & horses.
They sleep in their canvas crates at night;
They like to wrestle in one particular spot in the side yard,
They are a handful and Jack, a gentle disciplined man,
They are also gentle and so playful with our grandchildren.
Merrillee has remained black thus far with huge wavy curls
As you can see I could go on and on.
Lynn adds:
Here are photos of Merrilee, taken on 8 December 2013.
Merrilee & her new best buddy, JD
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Don't let this
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Of course, where treats are involved, Merrilee & JD will sit all day . . . maybe not.
Jack even taught her how to give paw.
Dad loves me!
Once outside, Merrilee engages JD in a game of tug.
JD always seemed to let Merrilee win . . .
I am strong . . . I am invincible . . . I am womandog!
Merrilee & JD continued to play . . .
Do you really think I am going to give it to you, dad?
Rats! JD got hold of MY rope!
Merrilee was finally the victor
Then we came inside and Merrilee came up for a cuddle
Okay . . . so she couldn't stay on the floor. She had to give me a bigfacelick
Jack gave me one of Merrilee's favorite balls,
. . . she gave me her paw and begged me for it.
What's this I hear?
Your dad said that you & JD shredded a dog bed
Do you think I should tell your dad how long it takes Airedale puppies to grow up?