July 13: A contact from Yvonne Murgatroyd
Yvonne Murgatroyd in South Africa sent me a contact with Sanna Rosell in UK. She was the person who looked after Yvonne's boys when she & Chester had to leave SA for a time.
Read what Sanna writes to me ... what a generous person!!
Dear Sanna,
I was given your contact details by Yvonne Murgatroyd, in response to an urgent situation which has arisen with a senior Airedale boy in Czech Republic.
(I actually met you briefly when in England for Airedale 2000, when I came to introduce our book, Emma's Journey, and which you then ordered at the time.)
My reason for contacting you is to ask for guidance in the matter of (possibly) getting Enzo to England, and to a home that would adopt him. I know we can find a home in UK, I have already been given assurances on that. But the quarantine issues are a big 'uncertainty', although I have spoken at length today with our own Australian Quarantine people, and found out some detail.
I am wondering, however, if a dog HAS to spend the time in a quarantine station in England. As I understood from Yvonne, her dogs came from SA to you, not to a quarantine site ... or are you perhaps a registered site? Perhaps that is the explanation?
Can you give me any ideas of cost, or indeed any other guidance in this very tangled & desperate situation?
Enzo has had a rabies shot (I am not certain how recent) and is microchipped. I understand there are numerous blood tests required, and that a dog passport would be needed. The difficulty of organising those things from here, with people in Czech Republic, are clearly severe, especially since Atia's contacts there are not 'dog' people, and do not care much about him. She is absolutely frantic about him.
I am casting out feelers in many directions at the moment, and hoping through it all to find a safe forever home for Enzo, who does not deserve to be put to sleep (a 'solution' that many people are telling Atia to do). We have only two weeks in which to get him into safety. The person who will be 'looking after' him from tomorrow (Friday 14 July), can only do it until July 30. After that, he will be abandoned.
I do hope you may be able to assist in some way with this tragic situation, and we would be so grateful for anything you can help with, or contacts you may have.
Thanks, Sue, for that update on Enzo. Lots of collected Aire thoughts and mega Zen are swirling across the oceans toward him and toward Anna. Thank you for letting us all know. OK . . . everyone . . . concentrate on Enzo today . . . really hard and let's get that boy to a safe place.
It would be great to get him to safety in Czech Republic first. Keep me posted! Lots of Zen from here for Enzo - we are looking out for him! He sounds like such a noble gentleman.
My first suggestion would be to chat with the people on Planet Airedale and see what they feel could be done. I would crosspost to any dog list you are on. Good luck and keep us posted on what we can do.
I emailed a friend of mine in Wales who lived in Czech Republic for a while and still has friends there . . . perhaps something will turn up. If so, I will let you know.
First let me thank you all for the flood of emails that came in response to my plea about Enzo in the Czech Republic. I would love to answer each one individually but I know you will understand that time is the problem, and I am concentrating on the most likely 'possible' actions.
I have had two long talks with Atia today, and she at least feels better, knowing we are all trying to help in this most difficult of 'rescues'. I can tell you she was amazed & overcome to learn of the expressions of love & caring that you sent.
Quarantine issues are serious obstacles, whether we are talking England or Australia, because of cost and the six-month period, wherever it is 'served'. There is a better chance if he were to remain within EU countries, as requirements are less stringent, and the time frame is shorter. For instance, he would only need a rabies shot to enter, say Denmark, provided it was given three weeks or more prior to entry. He has had his rabies shot already. He is also microchipped, another requirement for anywhere.
I would still love to get him to England, my real preference. But it appears that he would still be confined to a quarantine station, not a foster home, and the cost is huge, way beyond Atia's capacity.
So, tonight the urgency is to find a (temporary) safe haven for him somewhere in Czech Republic, and Yvonne (in South Africa) has given me a possible contact there. I am about to write to that person now.
Please keep Enzo & Atia in your thoughts & prayers. They need them, I can tell you.
And as always, I thank you for every scrap of support you are all giving, and will keep you posted tomorrow.
Sue in Oz - very very worried.
Photograph courtesy of Simona Mikulikova
JAN WILLIAMS, of ALASKA AIREDALE RESCUE & GUS & LEDA: I have [long] thought that being on this list has made the world a small place with the members from far away being brought close together. But, I know it doesn't seem small for poor Enzo being stuck so far from his family.
Thank you for trying to help this poor little boy with a giant problem.
Since my last update on Enzo, it's been a long and difficult few days, trying to find a pathway to help Atia & Enzo. It's also been a very emotional time, reaching out to offer support, encouragement & a positive approach to what are almost insurmountable obstacles. Listening to Atia's story over several nights, as our relationship has developed, my admiration for her courage & personal strength is beyond words.
The issues of quarantine are in the background just for the moment; the imperative at present is to get Enzo to a 'safe house' somewhere in Czech Republic.
Thanks to Yvonne in South Africa, I have succeeded in contacting a lovely woman in CR, Liba, a breeder of miniature Schnauzers, who clearly has a warmth & willingness to help as best she can with our Airedale boy. Atia has spoken by phone with Liba, and tonight Liba wrote to me with the news that she has been in touch with a number of Airedale people, including the Chairman of the Airedale Terrier Club in CR. He has promised to do what he can, and Atia will phone him today, to give him more information so that he has a complete picture of this most desperate situation.
We have only a few days to find a safe haven for Enzo. Atia is deeply worried about his emotional & mental state, and we know that he is depressed & withdrawn. It utterly breaks my heart to hear the note of hopelessness in her voice from time to time, as she wrestles with the dilemma of what she should do. Do we prolong his suffering in the hope that a few more days will find an answer, or do we say . . . enough. No one can answer this other than Atia herself.
I believe we need to fight on for a few more days. But it is not my decision, and I have assured Atia of my utmost support - either way.
For everyone who has this boy at heart (and I know that is all of you), please can you spare some concentrated Airethoughts that we will find one person, just one . . . who will step forward to help Enzo.
It is wonderful that we can love a dog we may never meet, and fight for his wellbeing as though he were right beside us.
Sue, in Oz but with my heart with Enzo in Brno, Czech Republic
Photograph courtesy of Simona Mikulikovà
I read with distress your latest posting. My deepest thanks for you trying to help this Airedale boy. It just breaks my heart. I've racked my brain but come up with nothing. It seems as though we need a international humanitarian organization for dogs to try to cut across the levels of red tape and offer assistance. Know that I'm keeping both of you in my prayers.