On 23 December (in USA), Sue writes:
An EnzoUpdate is way overdue but it's been a very packed 12 days since his arrival, and the hours in each day seem to have shrunk. I guess you know the feeling?
In a word, our precious Enzo is doing fine. Since our initial visit two days after he flew in from Vienna on 12 December, he has completely gotten over his jetlag, and is eating and resting well. He's a dear boy, and now that he's feeling brighter, his Enzopersonality is starting to emerge.
A further visit, armed with grooming gear & lots of treats, enabled me to peel back some of the woolliness of his head, revealing his lovely eyes & bright expression. There's still some way to go, but I didn't want to push it too soon. There is plenty of time ---
My most recent visit was last Wednesday (we are only permitted two visits a week, don't ask me why) and as I approached the gate of his run, he was standing alert and interested . . . that funny one ear tilted and his eyes bright.
Oh! he said, it's you! do come in. Mmmmm . . . now WHAT have you got in your basket? (Picture Red Riding Hood here---). I haul out the container of fresh chicken wingtips. Nudge nudge . . . I hand him one, then another. With his mouth full, he mumbled any more? Yep, here's another one. Oh boy, ohboy ohboy . . . .
Then without warning, he dived between my knees & waggled & wiggled his delight, his big feet paddling a pawslap in my direction. I was laughing my silly head off!
Atia told me later he rather likes to do that - to people he likes. This boy has a fine sense of Airedale humour.
I slipped a collar & lead on him and off we went for an hour or so, wandering peaceably around the compound and fetching up in an offlead playpen, where a large shady tree and some seats looked inviting. He pottered about, coming back for treats and a chat, and was most interested in a sprightly German Shepherd & his Dutch owner in the next playpen.
As the hour for leaving drew near, I took him back to his own pen and was pleased that he entered with no hesitation. Some more wingtips on his bed (which is very comfy), a cuddle & a pat, and I quietly departed.
Although we can't visit him again till next Thursday (Quarantine is closed to visitors for the Christmas week), he is clearly philosophical about his confinement. And whilst I hate leaving him, and want the days till 11 January to go even faster, it's a comfort to know that he is not distressed nor depressed by the many changes he's faced over all these months.
He's a very resilient boy.
Not much longer, Enzo . . . .
How wonderful is that! I love it, and - Jake must be his clone - he does that same silly thing between your legs and the air slaps . . . too funny