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On 21 August, Sue writes:

The shocking news of Enzo's illness has somewhat overshadowed some earlier Enzo-news I fully intended to share with you all at least two weeks ago.

You will remember that the starting point for raising Enzo's Aire-fare from Czech Republic to Australia was my dream that we could hold a world-wide raffle, with prizes donated by many generous friends of Airedale Rescue, again from all corners of the world.

The First Prize was yet to be created, yet I could see it immediately in my mind. It took hold and would not let go. All I had to do was find the person who could stitch the dream into reality.

And so the talented fingers of my good friend Jeannie Abbott (who lives about half an hour away from Wombat Bend, together with her husband Peter & three engaging Cocker Spaniel boys) began to itch when I asked her if she could help create my vision.

This was in August 2006. We had just begun the search for ways to bring Enzo to safety, and the pressure was intense & emotional. When I described Enzo's situation, together with Atia's despair that she may never see him again, Jeannie responded instantly. Of course she would do it.

And my vision? Emma's Aireloom. A wall hanging, created from the most beautiful fabrics, hand-stitched & bound with midnight blue silk, of a particular painting in our book, Emma's Journey. It is the moment when Emma arrives in the High Wild Country, guided there by the exquisite little White Swallow, who brings the Aire-spirits safely to their forever home. Emma knows exactly where she is; her words are hand stitched along the border . . . "Goodbye, White Swallow, and thank you . . . you knew exactly where I wanted to come".

The White Swallow is flying off as Emma speaks, her wings lifting in the breeze; myriad flowers sparkle at Emma's feet, and there is a dusting of snow on the higher peaks. The sky is reflected in the pool lying in the valley; you can smell the fragrance in the air.

Emma is home, in the High Wild Country she loves so much. She will wait there and in time, she will be joined by her soulmate Aaron. Indeed, it is home to all the Aire-spirits - it is the place in our hearts where they live forever.

Emma's Aireloom was completed and on display at the Melbourne Quilt Show through July 2007. It is now ready to travel on the final leg of the journey to the winner of the Enzo Raffle, Maureen Scott. Maureen, who wears many hats, all with Airedale Rescue written on them, is the Co-ordinator of Airedale Rescue for AireCanada, specifically for British Columbia but in reality for any Airedale anywhere that needs help.

My only sorrow amidst all of the Enzo Raffle excitement, anticipation & huge support was that we could not have prizes for everyone. I know that the love for Enzo has touched every single member of our lists; the support that has flowed unceasingly for him has sustained us every step of the way.

And having said that, I also hope that as you look through the images that Andréa has now added to Enzo's Story, you will feel that you are indeed a winner of it all. Because of each & every one of you, Enzo came safely home to Atia & Maia. A terrible & fearful time for him was brought to an end, and his journey has been our journey, all the way to this very moment.

The Emma's Aireloom webpages begin HERE.

And Enzo himself has his appointment with the specialist natural therapies vet in Sydney on Thursday morning. Please keep him surrounded with love & AireZen, because we need another Enzo Miracle.


I have just had a phone call with Atia to see how Enzo is tonight. He is doing okay, ate all his dinner and seems comfortable, she said. Tomorrow, Thursday, he visits Dr Fougere at 11 a.m.. The appointment is for an hour.

I told her that all of Enzo's world family is right there with him, sending infinite AireZen and focusing all our energies to surround him with strength, love & belief. Thank you all for the heartfelt notes of encouragement & hope. They mean the world to Atia, Enzo & me.

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I just learned about poor Enzo. No matter how short his remaining time may be, how wonderful that he could spend this time with his beloved family, all thanks to you.



It's absolutely gorgeous, Sue. And with the Aireloom before our eyes and in our souls, even more AireZen is generated for dear Enzo this week.

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