21 NOVEMBER 2006

Lisa writes:

As you remember, Goldie had another complete panel of blood work done this past Friday. On Saturday morning I received a phone call from my vet's office with the results.

Goldie's blood work came back nearly normal. Only her Alkaline Phosphatase was slightly elevated at 196 with the normal range being 10-150 U/L. Her ALT, which was previously off the charts at 748 (normal range 12-118), is now at 70!

Dr. Ed Berman, who passed the results on to me, was not nearly as excited as I was. He said this is either exceptionally good news *OR* her liver is shutting down and no longer producing enzymes, thus causing her counts to drop like this. He said, if the latter was the case, Goldie would definitely not feel well.

All the potential bad news immediately was gone because I know Goldie feels GREAT! Her appetite is great. RJ saw her stand up for the second time. She pulls herself all over the house now to see what is going on. She plays more than ever. Just this morning when we went out to go potty she was being all feisty just like any healthy Airedale and trying to do play bows and acting silly. There's no way this girl doesn't feel well.

Also, the one bump that was aspirated showed zero sign of anything suspicious. Her urine is good, albeit a little dilute. That's probably because of all the water in her special diet - it's certainly not like eating dry dog food.

This girl is in serious recovery!

This week we only go to physical therapy once and there's no acupuncture appointment due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.


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