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Sally Schnellmann writes:
It is with great sadness that I must tell you that our precious Goldie has left this earthly plane to join Enzo and all those beloved Airedales that have graced our lives.
Goldie has proven to be a true example of the Airedale courage and spirit that we all admire, a perfect example of how an Airedale can endure extreme adversity and never give up, never lose her loving trust. Oh, how much we humans can learn from our beloved A'dales.
In this week of Thanksgiving it is only fitting that we concentrate on being thankful for the time that we were privileged to share with this special rescue. I am so proud of ATRA and those who chose to do all they could to help Goldie. In my heart, this is what rescue is all about, to do whatever we can to return our rescues to the best life possible. I'm not alone in that goal, as proven by the army of Goldie Lovers who chose to help. I'm thankful Goldie was found in time for us to know her and her story. I'm thankful for the army of Goldie Lovers who have supported her care and faithfully followed her story. I'm especially thankful for Priscilla & Allan who gave Goldie such a happy last year of her life.
Now I'd like to share with you the note that Priscilla sent to me yesterday, Monday, November 19, 2007:
It is with much sadness and many tears that I am letting you know that Goldie left us at noon today for a better place. She went peacefully with her little handmade quilt over her and once she had moved on she appeared to be sleeping serenely . . . in a world without pain and struggle . . . in a world without boundaries where she can run & play again. We feel such a void without her and yet she left us with so much. Her spirit & determination will inspire us forever and the love she gave us will always remain in our hearts.
Goldie's front legs had progressively been failing her for several weeks. We took her to a neurologist last week and he felt she'd either suffered a stroke or that the cancer had recurred in another place. He said the only way he had to possibly find out was to do an MRI. Neither Allan nor I wanted to put Goldie through another procedure and in the end what would it accomplish. So the neurologist prescribed a steroid for Goldie but she experienced painful side effects from it so we discontinued using it. It was then that we knew that we had to let Goldie go for her sake . . . it was a most painful and heart-wrenching decision but it was done out of love & compassion for our sweet little girl . . . the Airedale who taught us so many important lessons . . . like perseverance even against the odds, for an example.
Goldie had a good morning. After a big breakfast (she loved to eat), I took her to the park in her wagon and after walking for awhile I took her out of the wagon and placed her on the grass and sat down beside her with her head in my lap. She so enjoyed lying in the grass! Every once in awhile she would roll over and wiggle and rub her side against the ground. I gave her lots of hugs and talked to her about how special she was to us. We were there for quite awhile and then it seemed like we both knew it was time to go. I put her back in the wagon and we made our last trek back to our home together.
When we arrived at our garage she was eager to get into the Jeep as she liked to go for rides. We opened the back windows so that she could feel the wind on her face just as she liked it and began her last journey with us.
I can't see to type . . . . Too many tears . . . . What a moving letter Goldie's person wrote.
I am so sorry that wonderful dog, Goldie, finally lost her battle. Her people were angels on earth to her, bless them. Please thank them for me for all they did for Goldie!
Thank you for letting us know. I have been thinking about her a lot the last few days; now I know why.
Let us count our blessings,
Karen, Bob & the pAiredales, Dinah & Pilgrim
I lit a candle in Goldie's name HERE
I'm so sorry to read of Goldie's passing. Ever since you created her site, I've been keeping track of her.
Yesterday was a very sad day, indeed. I'm sorry to hear Goldie has gone on. What a brave soul she was.
What a story it has been - such a strong will to live on the part of Goldie and such amazing love & effort on the part of her caretakers. I am sure that despite her disability, Goldie experienced more love & comfort in her last year plus than she had her entire life up to the time she was rescued.
Thank you for documenting this story for us.
I am seeing Enzo & Goldie right now - together.
They came into our lives within days of each other, and have farewelled us in the same way.
Two brilliant stars, forever in our hearts.
Travel safely and swiftly, Goldie & Enzo
Oh gosh. Tears in my eyes. I am so sorry to hear this.
I'm not a cusser, but d*mn, d*mn, d*mn. Via con Dios, sweet Goldie.
Oh, No! How sad! Rest in peace, Goldie.
Goldie was an example of how one should live life - with joy & courage every single day. I am so very glad that she had the chance for the closing days of her life to be spent with such loving & wonderful people as Priscilla & Allan. I am grateful to all who helped Goldie have those days, and will always treasure the mug we got for being the donors who put her fund over the $1000 mark. May she, Enzo, and all our dear friends have happy forevers together.
Thanks for letting us know. Goldie's story will be in my heart forever.
Goldie had a fulfilling & well-loved life after she was rescued. The hardest decision to make is when, and how, to let go. Priscilla & Allen chose to let Goldie go with her dignity intact, after a great morning and surrounded by loved ones; what more could any of us ask?
What a great life her adopted parents gave her after everything she had been through. Although I am saddened to hear of her loss, it is truly wonderful to know how much Goldie was cared for this past year!
Deanna, Roxy, Jack & Scout
. . . so sad, but she was a very, very lucky dog to have had this last year filled with love & hope. Thanks for sharing and please extend my sympathies to all who helped Goldie. Her story is so amazing.
Diane, Cooper, Sullivan & Tim, with cousins Dolly & Suzy
What a great spirit she possessed.
How glad I am that her last few months were spent in peace and amid love.
How sorry I am that she left us so soon.
LIbby & Molly (lighting a candle tonight)
Goldie's story is an amazing example how the Airedale spirit can persevere with the encouragement & nurturing care of humans and canines all around.
Thank you to all who participate in rescue!
Goldie and all the humans who helped care for her are my heroes.
We were rooting for you all from afar,
Lisa, Max, Griffin & Sabine
I am heartbroken to hear that Goldie has moved on. She was a very special girl and I remember reading her story with amazement. How wonderful that she had such a loving home for the last year of her life.
Please pass my condolences on to her family.
I simply can't believe it . . . I sit here crying as I read this. Priscilla & Allan, I am so sorry for your loss. I will light a candle for Goldie. You truly spent your final hours together enjoying each other & life - as it should be. You are in our thoughts & prayers.
Patti, Gregg & Biscuit Webster
These passages touch my heart. Dignity and respect so mark these entries. The connections people make to what the whole world needs are moving. And very true . . .
Just wishing every(USA)one a very happy Thanksgiving Day for tomorrow.
I think we have a lot to be thankful for; yes we've lost a few loved ones this year but we've also helped many more unloved ones, helped them to become pain-free or restored them to health or, best of all, join the ranks of loved ones and for that we should be happy.
Goldie was one of these unloved ones; we only managed two out of three goals for her, but she was loved & respected by many for her courage & tenacity. She inspired us all to dig that little bit deeper to find that extra £/$ to help her reach these goals.
Jackie & The Wild Bunch
Wow, your heart just breaks for the family as they describe their thoughts. Although we have all been there, it never gets any easier.
I read this last night and must admit that I'm still stunned . . . . I knew that Goldie wasn't doing well but I just didn't think this would happen so soon. What a year, first Enzo and now Goldie. And I can envision both playing across that Rainbow Bridge with Misha & Violet [Denninger].
NIKKI MOHAN, ed., The Dog Collection, which did a feature story on Goldie:
What a gallant creature she was and the response of all the Airedalers out there was truly inspiring.
Can't write much through the blur of tears after reading about Goldie gone now too . . . but . . . I second what Jackie said.
Experiencing the thorns in life makes us truly appreciate the wonder and beauty of the roses.
Goldie & Enzo were very special roses . . .