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27 September:

We have Wonderful News for Gussie! Our new total is $1954 including a very generous $1000 donation with a challenge to others to help meet our $3,500 goal. We are in the last week of this drive to raise money for Gussie's medical bills. The last day is Sept 30. Please look in to your heart and see if you can make a donation to help. Thank You to all that have been so kind to have made a donation.

28 September:

The Great News is the new total is $1,989. We are so close . . . who will be the one to put us over $2,000? Could it be you??

We are in the last few days of this drive to raise $3,500 for Gussie's medical bills. But there is still time. Credit card or Paypal donations are posted right way. If you are sending a check, just let me know and we will include that in our total.

The last day is Sept 30. We have a closing date because we need to send the money on to Gussie's family. ATRA & NEAR will make up the difference, but anything you can donate will assure both groups have more resources to help the next Airedale in need. Please let us know if you can make a donation to help. Thank You to all who have been so kind & generous to have made a donation.

The final total is $2,309.12.


The Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then whip the other dog. -- Teddy Roosevelt

If you have a Second-Hand 'Dale and would like to share her/his story, please e-mail me.

Be sure to visit FRIENDS OF AIREDALES MEMORIAL FUND. Your memorial will make a difference in an Airedale's life.


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Thanks to Karen Clouston for the Airedale Graphics

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Updated 15 APRIL 2007

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