In the morning, Frances writes:
Harley's out of surgery and starting to wake up.
He lost his bottom inscisors and one lower canine tooth,
along with some bone.
The vet said when his beard grows back,
it won't be noticeable.
He will be on pain meds & soft food
for the next few days while he recovers.
In the evening, Frances writes:
Harley made it through surgery just fine.
He lost SIX bottom teeth - five incisors &338; one canine.
It was a good thing the canine was pulled
because the root was exposed;
the vet thought he was probably in chronic pain.
Prognosis is good; the vet thinks everything went extremely well.
Keep sending Zen for positive histopathology results.
When he's all healed, his teeth & bone loss
won't even be noticeable and he'll be able to
grow his beard back! Harley really is a great boy.
Thanks so much for all your donations.
So far, we've spent about $1900 on his vet care.
And I thought that I had a lot of dental work . . . Way to go, Harley - you are a trooper!
Fantastic! Great news. Looking good, too!