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On 9 January 2005, Christine writes:
Because of the generosity of ticket buyers, we raised $1088.79 toward Dolly's surgery and post-surgical care. Dolly continues to improve each day.
Jan writes:
Thanks again for your support. I will take a pic of Dolly this weekend. She is progressing well; we head back to OSU for some radiographs in two weeks.
She will be an escape artist. She slipped out of her Martindale; a 14" may be too big - need a smaller size, and thankfully she was in the garage and the doors were closed. She is a barker and is very alert. Haven't received any kisses yet; before I put her down for the night I give her a long petting session. Seems to calm her and gets her ready for bed.
On 23 January, Jan writes:
I took Dolly in for her one-month checkup and everything is fine. She can stop using the sling, unless it is icy outside. She can gradually increase her activity; no running or jumping. Docs recommend grooming in the third month of recovery. She gained nine pounds and now weighs 48 pounds; needs only to add five more. If she stayed her weight now, it would not be bad. I will cut her food back by half a cup per feeding. She wants to run somewhere. It must be her youth; No kisses yet.
On 21 February, Jan writes:
Dolly weighs approximately ten pounds more than her 37 pounds when she came into rescue. She continues to be a shy girl; a behaviorist friend said that she is probably in a shell. She recommended an adult home, quiet, possibly with older children. She needs socialization, is frightened of thunder and loud sounds. She still pees like a male, and is a good barker and watch dog.
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We have one more month of rehab. Any suggestions on what to do about her coat. She had to be shaved in the rear and lost her furnishings on her front leg where the IV was placed. She knows her name as Dolly, is crate-trained. We are trying to teach her to play with some toys. I was working in the garage so I put her outside on a long lead to let her enjoy some fresh air & freedom. She is housebroken but I have her on a schedule.
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Dolly shown with the kind permission of Jan Wiles
The Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then whip the other dog.
-- Teddy Roosevelt
If you have a Second-Hand 'Dale and would like to share her/his story, please e-mail me.
Be sure to visit FRIENDS OF AIREDALES MEMORIAL FUND. Your memorial will make a difference in an Airedale's life.
Thanks to Karen Clouston for the Airedale Graphics
Remember to bring along your virtual pooper-scooper!
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Updated 15 APRIL 2007