Gr Ph


28 MARCH 2011


Amos Brawner writes:

My name is 'Famous Amos' or, as Dad likes to call me, 'HRH' for 'His Royal Highness'. . . . I am the great 'King' of this Alaska, I looked it up on Wikipedia and it says right there that I am King! So I rule over Piper the Jack Russell, Muddy the Springer Spaniel, Ole Jessie who crossed over this last year, the cattle dog, Dad's ole girl, and of course Sheila the Lab who is my peasant, 'cause every King needs one and it may as well be that silly Lab. But that's what makes up what is our family.

I have been pushing Oscar's cause very hard on Facebook HERE, thanks to Linda McVey, who brought him to our attention. It appears we have nine folks who have donated thus far that we can see named here on Oscar's site. That should be all thanks to Linda, but because I'm King Amos and I put a lot of pressure on them folks, even though Linda is 100% responsible for making this happen, as King Airedale, I take credit.

I went to see Oscar, and Dad (Hobby Photographer) took some pics of him for the site. He is very difficult to photograph at this time; he's a bit untrained and a bit loopy on the meds from his surgery. So the pics will get better once he has yard privileges.


We took him a Kingly bounty! As the King, I must be generous and provide those who are not doing so well in my Kingdom and provide the things my 'Dad' says I take for Granite, which I think is silly, I do not take my Kong for granite, I just know it best be filled with peanutbutter every night when he walks in or the King will NOT BE HAPPY! But we have attached a photo of the handsome bounty we delivered to Oscar. My Dad is a huge softy and gave him lots of love and received many of Oscar's great Lickies! I can't believe Dad allowed another Dale to lick his face so much, but since Oscar is so down, I will allow it.


We will be visiting Oscar again, as he is only 45 minutes away, and he is in need of a King's (like myself) attention. So we will be making sure he is taken care of (of course we know he is), but will keep a helping hand involved.

With love, Your King (per Wikipedia)
Famous Amos the Airedale


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