Adriana's dad, Alberto; Ellana; Adriana; Pirata;
On 19 August, Ellana writes:
We now have two people who can help us with PT issues and a source to order a new splint for him which we will do. It is still possible to warm and massage his leg to the paw and put it into nearly the right position as Dr. Laura instructed. We will get more opinions as we sort through the recommendations. I have also posted about him to the local Houston Breed Rescue list asking for advice.
He is very quick with his existing splint when he is outside tearing around with Bonnie & Rugby and inside without the splint when he is on carpet. (I'm so glad we haven't tiled our living room yet as planned. We will put it off now so he has a soft place to romp.)
I've been bringing him to my office for half a day, otherwise I would have to crate him at home. This is an excellent solution - there is always someone ready to play with him or run him outside for a potty break. Everyone in our building is just crazy about him, too, and we have a wide variety of people.
It is too bad that school has started. All summer there were kids around who came in with their parents. Wouldn't Pirata love kids to play with? I'm going to find some in my neighborhood for him this weekend.
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On 24 August, Ellana writes:
Pirata (Pirate) is a wonderful puppy. I'm glad I have Bonnie & Rugby to help with him. The last two Aire'pups I raised, George & then Teddy (both @RB), were only dogs. An Airedale puppy needs a grown Airedale to play and to learn from.
Pirata is so interested in Rugby - especially the lifting the leg to pee routine. On Sunday he got too close to Rugby and got a sprinkle on his head. He was ready for a plain-water bath so that just hastened it. I think that is the one and only bath Pirata will have in my kitchen sink - he is growing before our eyes.
Bonnie is his playmate - a few times every day they play bitey face, tag, and Queen of the Mountain. Bonnie is "Queen" and climbs up on one of our sofas while Pirata runs around & around arrrooooooing at her.
Pirata also likes the Wiggly Giggly ball. When he plays with it Bonnie leaves the room but Rugby comes in to watch. Rugby will sit with a big smile on his face, watching the puppy play.
We now have our consults in order for the neurology specialist.
Thanks to all for their generous contributions. Pirata is well worth it - he is a fine puppy and we love him so much.
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