Growing up fast
On 9 September, Ellana writes:
Greetings Friends of Pirata!
We are one week post-surgery and our sweet puppy is nearly recovered. His sutures will be removed next week. On Tuesday he was 18 inches at the shoulder. I won't know his weight until next week, but I'm sure he will weigh in over 30#. He has a mouth full of lovely permanent teeth now. The teething was hard on him - he was a bit irritable and felt yucky from time to time.
Now that he is healthy and isn't encumbered by a non-functional paw, he is enjoying life to the fullest. He greets every morning with sparkling eyes and is ready to take on the world. Pirata moves around very well and has only fallen a few times in the last week and that had more to do with learning how to stop with only one front paw to use as a brake. He can do everything - dig, countersurf, get up on the furniture, harass Bonnie & Rugby, chase squirrels, catch butterflies. He has a BIGBARK which he uses to warn us of incoming dangers.
One of the nice things Adriana taught him was not to bite or mouth humans (or dogs & c*ts). He gives little licks but never makes a move to bite, even when he is at the vet's and humans are doing rude things to him.
Hiding in the ground cover
Those of you who have raised boy'dales are familiar with HUMPING. Yesterday was HUMPING DAY. Pirate wanted to hump Bonnie, did hump the doggy beds, and didn't attempt it on the humans. Bonnie, lovely patient Bonnie, stood very still, head turned to one side, nose tilted up, and Pirata knew enough to leave her alone. He spent the rest of the afternoon & evening following her around and when she was at rest, he would stand next to her and hump air. At the end of the day, he licked & kissed her, which she allowed. This morning the humping seems to have lost its novelty. I'll have to get him a Teddy Bear like Charlie Sparr DAWG has.
Thanks for your continuing support. He is an exceptionally nice Airedale puppy.
The story of Pirata's Rescue,
physical therapy and journey to his
Forever Home is nowhere near
THE END, so donations are still welcome.