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In June 2000, Annette Hall e-mailed me that an ATRA Airedale had made his Forever Home in my hometown, Kenosha, Wisconsin. I was able to get in contact with Chuck Rusk, and "meet" him and his new ADT, Casey, as well as the other two canines in the home, RatDog & Kilo.

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Casey & RatDog the Chihuahua

After several years with small dogs, Casey the Airedale was certainly a change of pace - and size!


Casey & Kilo the RandomBred


Chuck writes: Here's a pic of Casey & Kilo in Casey's crate. I put a nice new blanket in Casey's cage and two dogs promptly moved in. Casey ripped it out of there after a couple of hours of this. It was HIS crate, and nobody else's. Kilo is the only dog that will give Casey his own cr*p back with interest. He's not afraid of him. Of course being an Airedale, Casey likes this.


And of course being an Airedale, Casey has taken over the bed, sleeping this way . . .


. . . sleeping that way . . .


. . . and sleeping another way.


Now I'm bored . . .

Find out what a bored Airedale does HERE

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