Murphy & Angie have started playing Airedale games, too (while Pifflesqueak looks on in horror!). However, Angie, who is tough as an old piece of boot leather, has to be reminded at times to have a care for her fragile and somewhat antique pal. The first time she bodyslammed him, he toppled like a bowling pin. However, after uttering a squeak and mumbling to himself a little, he climbed to his feet, ready to continue the game.
Angie is the real piece of work in this ADT combo. She flirts outrageously with Murphy -- a habit we hope we can break her of quickly (and which has thus far earned her a few names I might hesitate to share on this list!). If he ignores her, she nibbles on his ankles. And, during one walk, she led him off into the bush and left him there! (No harm done -- she found him again when dad showed signs of extreme agitation!).
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Murphy has already learned a whole host of new things -- it is okay to sleep on the porch because you can come in when you want; meals are twice a day and taste reeeealy goooood; taking Angie's chirping hummingbird is a bad idea (but any of the other toys are fair game); treading, by accident of course, on the toy poodle produces astonishing shrieks; BIGNOSEPOKES result in pats and hugs (except when the victim is wearing a sheer nightgown); and, most important, the oldest dog gets the softest bed. |
We think we are very lucky to have Murphy join us for his remaining years -- we hope he agrees! Many thanks to Pascale for enabling us to have this boy's company!
He's still due to have his bad teeth addressed next week and is gaining weight nicely. Murphy just can't believe his good fortune and wags his little short tail so hard when he's offered a treat that he nearly lifts himself off the ground.
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Took Murphy the Rescue to the vet yesterday to have his stitches unraveled and requested a weigh-in while we were there. The Smurf, two inches taller than 50-pound Angie A., now tops the scales at 36.6 pounds! He has gained nearly five pounds since his infected teeth were removed two weeks ago, and is beginning to look like a winner. He patrols the yard with that lion-like swagger and side-to-side head-swing that really confident male dogs sometimes adopt (somewhat marred, mind you, by arthritic hind legs!).
As to the sassy bit, our elderly Yukon boy has taught Angie A. a new trick. It's called Knock-Over-the-Garbage-Can.
Once the container is on its side, an enterprising Airedale can feast on all kinds of comestibles that foolish humans
consider "trash". The enterprising Airedale can be avidly assisted in this delightful task by his female buddy and the family Poodle. Angie, even on her worst days, never touched the kitchen garbage until Murphy joined the family.
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Tonight there was pizza for dinner. The grrrrrls cheerfully sat waiting for snippets to come their way. Murphy, as befitted his many years, lounged on the floor on his back at my feet. When his turn came for a treat, he merely opened his huge jaws and waited for obedient mom to drop in the tidbit! I suppose he will be wanting grapes next -- and a goblet of wine!
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In February 2003, Maureen writes:
Thought you might like to see how fat & sassy our boy Murphy looks these days, despite having had a stroke. He's recovered very well. That's him on the left, wearing his travel harness, with his pal, Angie Adorable, on the right.