I have a mashed index finger (don't ask!) so typing is difficult tonight. Please forgive abbreviated commentary and likelihood of speiling misteaks . . . .
Here is a summary of day:
7:15 - Pix is slated to have surgery today to remove bloblike growth from beneath her eyelid and clean teeth so no breakfast. She protests at top of lungs. We ease pain by refusing to feed anyone. All protest at top of lungs.
8:45 - Take Pix to vet. Advised to fetch her at 5:30.
9:15 - Feed remainder of Circus. Think to have nice quiet day. Start to make batch of cookies.
10:15 - Angie A comes running for me, barking blue murder. Pifflesqueak has just thrown up on the bedroom carpet. Littlest Lunatic is enjoying the snack. Scold LL, thank AA and clean carpet. Return to cookie project.
2:00 - Call vet's office to check progress of Ms Pix. Ms Pix is heard howling at top of lungs in background. Vet says Ms Pix will make herself ill at this rate but would like to keep her until she is steadier on feet.
3:01 - Phone rings. Come get Ms Pix, wails vet's receptionist. Background yodels are deafening.
3:30 - Collect Pix who is indeed very wobbly although not so dopy she can't bellow at a MinPin in the waiting room. Vet breaks bad news - Pix must wear e-collar for 14 days. Must be full collar. Neck type won't do as paws need to be kept out of eye. (sigh) Coax her out to van. She can't get in. I have trouble lifting her. Between us, Pix being starfish-shaped by now as she can't stand up worth beans, we managed to haul her inside. Passersby laugh. More to point if they had helped.
3:45 - Home. Circus delighted to see Pix. LL promptly sticks nose into Pix's eye. Pix drives Circus members before her e-collar like leaves in a storm. Everyone flees hastily.
3:47 - In process of giving Pix, who is drunk as a skunk, a treat, finger is accidentally mashed. I yelp. Pix is now upset and attempts to hide. Catches e-collar on several pieces of furniture, knocking only a small chair over completely, and finally winds up stuck in recycle bin. Rescue Pix and console. Bandage finger.
4:31 - Make necessary trip to store leaving alpha male in charge of Pix and remainder of Circus.
5:31 - Return home to discover no one remembered to let poor little Piff out. Poodle has puddled on bedroom carpet.
5:33 - LL has chewed up bag containing Pix's new toothbrush (gift from vet), eye ointment and three doses of Metacam. Fortunately, Metacam was placed in fridge prior to departure on shopping trip. Amazingly, eye ointment tube remains intact. Directions for use do not.
6:01 - Alpha male fetches Pix upstairs for supper. I notice her eye is dripping blood onto floor. Hastily call vet. He's gone home (naturally). Receptionist says she'll contact him on cell. Use ointment provided, he says, and cold compresses. Twenty swabs, an ice pack and half a box of babywipes later, bleeding is halted.
6:22 - Feed Circus. Pix is only permitted small amount of food. Deafened by protests of outrage as consequence.
6:34 - Finally get back to cookie dough, bake four pans of the d*mned things, make a scratch supper of dirty rice and salad-from-a-bag, all with Ms Pix's assistance. Assistance involves smashing into back of legs with e-collar, rattling off cupboard doors and attempting to hoover up crumbs. Learns quickly to use long tongue effectively. Wondering if we have Airedale or frog . . . .
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9:37 - Trapped in office. Using computer, knitting, sewing or cross-stitching is painful due to squashed finger. However, leaving results in Ms Pix following to the detriment of the walls, furniture and other inhabitants who are already fed up with being smacked by the e-collar. Me sitting quietly in office chair ensures Pix will stay in crate. Expect to be still sitting here at dawn tomorrow morning. Hence, this email message. Bored silly!
One rarely has a dull day with the Circus, it seems . . . .
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Courtenay, Angie A, Pixie & Pifflesqueak shown with the kind permission of Maureen & Jim Scott
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Other PARADE Pages featuring members of the Scott Pack, past & present:
The Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then whip the other dog.
-- Teddy Roosevelt
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Thanks to Karen Clouston for the Airedale Graphics
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Updated 15 MAY 2007