23 FEBRUARY 2011
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At 8 p.m., Priscilla writes:
It was a long surgery; itjust ended about an hour ago and it went well. The veterinarian was able to repair the left hip. He had to literally put the ball joint back together with pins as it was shattered. Then he had to saw off the top of the bone that the ball fit into, as it was splintered so badly. It was a delicate surgery and we are most fortunate to have had such a skilled surgeon to do it.
There is a hairline fracture in the right hip, but the vet did not do anything with that today, as there was so much done to the left hip that he thought it was best to wait on that one. It is possible it will heal itself enough that another surgery will not be necessary.
He said Scout came through the surgery well and will be heavily sedated for the next couple of days. He told me he would call me in the morning to give me an update and also let me know when either Amy or I could visit him.
He was optimistic about Scout's prognosis, but said it will be a long recovery for this little boy.
Thanks to all for your thoughts & prayers & financial help. We are most grateful.