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On 25 January, Terry writes:
Sully is in a foster home! Ted & Druci Gault readily agreed to take in yet another special needs Airedale and care for him until he's ready to move on. Over the past ten years, they have very generously fostered many, many dogs for ATRA including several who've had FHO and TPO surgery, ulcerated wounds, broken bones, were extremely fearful & needy. Each & every one has been tearfully sent along to its new home. All will most certainly remember the love & goodness they experienced while in the care of the Gaults.
Sully & Ted
Sully also has an older, wiser foster sister named Molly. She is thirteen years old and getting a bit slow, but is still quite happy to show the "newbies" the ropes. Molly & Sully made their first aquaintence at the kennel where h's been staying. As Sully lacks a little something in the meet & greet department, he was muzzled for Molly's safety then, as well as for the ride home. They've been together for most of the day and so far, so good.