On 28 January, Terry writes:

Sully is doing great in his foster home!
Other than being hand-shy and needing
a lot of guidance with house training,
he is playing with toys, eating like a horse
and making himself comfortable.


He's not fond of going in his crate
and doesn't have to do it often.
It's felt that it good parctice in case
he needs it after his surgery. He is very thin,
so has been eating puppy food to give him
extra nutrients and to gain a little weight.


Foster Dad Ted took him out to potty recently and
Sully instinctively wanted to lift his leg on the bushes.
He couldn't, so he simply did a paw stand on his front legs!


You can see in these pictures just how atrophied the back leg is.

His surgery is scheduled for 4 February.
Please send good thoughts his way.


Bobbi Procyk:
I had hoped for another type of surgery and that his leg would not have to be amputated. Fingers and toes crossed for this sweet boy. I'll be waiting for an update as to how he is doing after the surgery.


Jackie McGuinness:
Sending lots of Zen to Sully for a speedy recovery from his surgery.


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