3 MARCH 2010
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Terry writes:
Sully received his goodie package from fellow tripod, Max Versagi! He was so excited and couldn't wait to open it up to see what was inside! Toys, treats a special halter and even a tennis shoe that matches one that Max wears! Sully thinks he's pretty darned snazzy because he's the only one in his neighborhood wearing the latest in canine fashion.
Sully, Druci & Molly
His foster sister, Molly, was right by his side sharing in the "grand opening". She's such a good girl and is very proud of Sully. They both wondered if the Bag Balm was edible, but FosterMom Druci said she didn't think they'd like it much and hid it somewhere.
Foster dad thinks it's pretty amazing for a dog who likely never had toys in his past life to know just what to do with them now. I agree.
Sister Molly, who has fostered many an Airedale
Sully had his amputation one month ago and is getting along pretty darned well. The weather is finally getting a little better and he has been allowed in the back yard off-lead a few times. He loves that! He revels in car rides and taking short walks up and down the street. That's going to be even easier now that he has his special halter.
Thanks, Max. Tripods really do rule!