Lisa & Steve came over Friday night to officially adopt Mortie. I spoke with them today and although he's only been with them for two days, Mortie is doing great.

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This is an exceptionally shy little mill dog but he is already out of his crate (which has been his sanctuary) and snuggled into a cushy bed that they bought. Steve's mother came over yesterday to meet her new granddog and brought presents and a "Welcome to Our New Little Prince" card to welcome Mortie into the family and signed it "Nana" & "PawPaw".



Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,
All nicely tucked in my warm new bed.
I'd like to open my baggage
Lest I forget,
There is so much to carry -
So much to regret.

Hmm . . . Yes there it is, right on the top -
Let's unpack Loneliness, Heartache and Loss,
And there by my leash hides Fear and Shame.
As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave -
I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain.

I loved them, the others, the ones who left me,
But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me.
Will you add to my baggage?
Will you help me unpack?
Or will you just look at my things
And take me right back?

Do you have the time to help me unpack?
To put away my baggage,
To never re-pack?
I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see,
But I do come with baggage -
Will you still want me?

-- Evelyn Colbath

On 10 March, Lisa writes:

This is our first posting, as we just brought Mortie home about 1-1/2 weeks ago. He spent about 11 months in a puppy mill, but he was fortunate enough to go a great foster home. We are the meanies who took him from his foster home and brought him to our house. He has some pretty intense fears (of us, of men, of his leash, of his shadow), and has exhibited some leash aggression (I think he's only biting out of fear). I'd appreciate any advice if you went through a similar adjustment process, as well as any stories with happy endings. We know eventually Mortie will have a happy ending, too.

Medical & transport costs for these and all the other puppymill rescues add up. You can help by donating online through PayPal - click either the Cairn or the button below . . .

. . . OR send a check or money order made out to Cairn Rescue USA:

Cairn Rescue USA
FDR Station
PO Box 6798
New York, NY 10150-6798

Please include your name, mailing address & e-mail address
to receive a receipt for tax purposes.

MORTIE, BARNABY && WILBUR were rescued, rehabilited & rehomed through CairnRescueUSA.

Please stop by CRUSA's website to find YOUR match!

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Updated 13 MARCH 2008

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