
Anim Graphic ©1997 Kitty Roach

After introductions OUTSIDE were completed without any incident, it was time to move everyone INSIDE to see what would happen . . .


. . . they played . . .


. . . and they played . . .


. . . and they played.

For the first two days with us, we used a belly band so that IF he peed in the house, it would be contained. We soon gave that up and let him in the house unemcumbered. He had three pooping accidents, but when we learned his schedule, we had no more problem. He sleeps outside of his crate at night, and is becoming acclimated to being outside of his crate when he is alone, in small increments of time.

He sleeps on the couches or the beds, without any problem. He has discovered UNDER the beds, which Cari finds disconcerting, as that is where she "hides" when playing with April. Imagine her surprise when he followed her there! The sight of their two little b*tts sticking out from under the bed, side by side, while they play bitey-face is a sight to behold.

His energy is boundless, which is good for tiring out April & Cari. He is a regular lovebug, wanting to sit on my lap while typing on the computer, or on VetteMan's lap while he watches tv.

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