This is Joanna, who remembers Rico from his August visit. She likes to rain treats down on Rico's head, and he likes to have treats rain down on his head! Whenever I walked Rico outside, Joanna joined us, even in the (rare for Yuma) rain.
Frankie is a Night Owl, just like my Mother, and they often sit up together in the living room until all hours of the night/morning. She regaled us with tales of working in the Post Office mail room and the Round Robin Holiday parties she used to have, complete with her homemade tamales.
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And here is My
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Note the matching bandanas & belly bands throughout the pictures; I think I had one set for every day of our visit. I had also made quite a few extra bandanas in different sizes, and gave some to Rosa, one of my Mother's wonderful caretakers (her picture is on the last page of this tale); to Lupe, who maintains the Clarion Suites' breakfast buffet and whose husband, now retired, visits nursing homes & the prison to read to the residents & inmates; and to my Aunt & my Cousin, whom you will meet soon. |
My CyberFriend, Sally Babcock made this lovely Cairn Blankie . . . one for Rico, one for Cari, and an Airedale one for April . . . and I took Rico's along. The residents thought it was beautiful, especially the bright colors.
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These calendars with Sally Babcock's unique & expressive artwork